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  1. Slamdance

    Wish List Space Training Grounds

    http://cyreneforum.com/threads/space-cyrene-ss-training-ground.7412/page-2 [61918, 59975, -1555] In space Is it still there?
  2. Slamdance

    Finding so much Oil and Lyst since the last VU

    Many, many people staying away from Cyrene until this problem is fixed!
  3. Slamdance

    Selling Slamdance's Virtual Shop

    Off to Calypso, see you next year!
  4. Slamdance

    Selling Slamdance's Virtual Shop

    One Ozpyn Chon S1X1 sold, 5 left at Cyrene price tt + 12. Calypso auction listings are selling at tt + 17+! 20 Light Power Cells sold on auction @ 14000% BO. Buy direct for better price.
  5. Slamdance

    Selling Slamdance's Virtual Shop

    Added Ozpyn LR S1X1. A.R.C. Guardian piece prices lowered.
  6. Slamdance

    Selling Slamdance's Virtual Shop

    Cyrene price for Ozpyn Chon S1X1 lowered to 12 ped. Quantities updated.
  7. Slamdance

    Scout Bot Collector XT & Basic Targeting Chip

    Update: Scout Bot Collector XT: finally 1 BTC after a 5739 kill drought. Weak/Watcher/Soldier/100/200 are dropping one every 200 for me so far. (small sample size 1164) Last year Cyrene was nearly empty during Halloween Mayhem. I looted 4 BTC in one daily Collector run!
  8. Slamdance

    Selling Slamdance's Virtual Shop

    All Prices Negotiable Target Below Auction Armor A.R.C Guardian (F) full set @ 9.36 tt (full tt 28.00) +10.64 = 20.00 ped (213.67%) (F) Thigh Guards @ 0.88 tt + 1.12 = 2.00 ped (F) Thigh Guards @ 0.71 tt + 1.04 = 1.75 ped (M) Shin Guards @ 2.13 tt + 2.87 = 5.00 ped (M) Shin Guards...
  9. Slamdance

    Scout Bot Collector XT & Basic Targeting Chip

    Thanks for your input, Haruto. I'm now at 3536 kills with zero Basic Targeting Chips. Would anyone else care to share their recent experience?
  10. Slamdance

    Scout Bot Collector XT & Basic Targeting Chip

    My first 10k kills yielded an average of one BTC for every 300-400 kills. My last loot was on 07-May-2016. Since then, 2432 kills, zero BTC. What do you think? What's your story?
  11. Slamdance

    A.R.C. Guardian parts exchange

    Anyone still looking to trade? I have A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) and A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) Looking for A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (F) and A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) IGN: Kat Slamdance Sawyer
  12. Slamdance

    Special Missions locations with parts

    For Special Mission: Clothing Pieces: I found Shoe Piece, not Shirt Piece at (137595,76882) I found Shirt Piece at (136074,79943) I found Pants Piece at (135530,79965) No weapon parts found here, move along . . .
  13. Slamdance

    Special Missions locations with parts

    Some of the items have been switched, but these three all work: Shoe Piece (137595,76882) Shirt Piece (136074,79943) Pants Piece (135530,79965)