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Search results

  1. Ricky Rikken

    Noob checking in!

    Thanks Krasko! I am not sure the name, I am a Father of two adult boys and two teenage boys and I often hear the music they are into and I enjoy Dub-Step. I was listening to YouTube video from "fresh music" I think, and the song was in a female Dub-Step compilation that ran for to or three...
  2. Ricky Rikken

    Noob checking in!

    Thank you Gisela!
  3. Ricky Rikken

    Content Suggestion: A Noob Avatar Perspective!

    So......allow me to indulge a bit, and maybe the DEVS might see an opportunity, who knows? When I first started in EU, I did so for one MAJOR reason, "sandbox"! I had grown tired of linear video games and story lines that meant nothing to me after awhile and I found the need to explore...
  4. Ricky Rikken

    Noob checking in!

    Thanks Master Chief!
  5. Ricky Rikken

    Noob checking in!

    Just wanted to shout out to all my fellow Cyerenians! I am returning to EU after doing things horrible wrong the first time. I chipped out and took a break for a couple of years and then heard a dub-step song recently that sounded familiar and I ended up returning. This time I did the research...