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  1. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Cyrene's Evolution : Balancing Hit Points to Damage and Armor Decay.

    Caly is successful ;) I agree with Agis. the balance is off in many ways and hunters from other planets that visit see this too.. what and how I am not sure. I have not done any test but its noticeable in the return even in the MU, besides, MU does not count if there is no one there buying ;)...
  2. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Creature/Humanoid Damage Test - Cyrene Edition

    I tested the perslain weed.. I found that it hits mostly with acid and maybe a bit of impact.. sounds odd I would have though burn and acid.. that range of dmg .. i am not sure but I am sure of acid.. I have tested many different armor types to reduce the dmg type. My best guess at this time is...
  3. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Purslane Weed

    yea I been killin this mob for a few days now.. appears to have acid dmg and maybe impact.. not sure on the second dmg type but most differently acid.. Also I found that is spawns after about 20-30 kills and will spawn more as long as you do not kill instantly so far I have had 3 spawned at one...
  4. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Where do you come from ...

    Indiana, USA here.
  5. JaK UnLiMiTed

    My thought on Cyrene so far:

    Nice post Taco.. I too have been here and saving lots of loots.. I understand that eventually the materials will become useful and be in demand.. as a the trader I am I am looking for a advantages to sell at high MU ha ha... but like you said you have to had been here and be active to understand...
  6. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Questions from a Cyrenean

    What players do with what they buy is simply their choice.. If a player wants to buy a shop and let it sit there that too is their choice.. I for one dont want any developer making choice picks about who gets what, bad idea all around. Simply put out the shops on auction or in loot pool but dont...
  7. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Questions from a Cyrenean

    One more thing Lykke: Citizens of the month should be voted in as such by faithful citizens of cyrene .. Just a suggestion :woohoo:
  8. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Questions from a Cyrenean

    Tuners :"First of all, what most players don’t like on Cyrene" I think saying "most" is a overstatement... Tuners has good advice, I agree but he by no means stands or speaks for the majority..... - I understand that some items looted are of no apparent use but we all know they will become...
  9. JaK UnLiMiTed

    The Hub Suggestions for The Hub wanted

    I kinda agree with DCF... and think that dedication should be rewarded. It is not true fairness that allows a new player to come in and be as skilled as a dedicated player. In game skills such as rifle, evade, dodge ect. should not be nullified at all.. grinders put in alot of hours skilling and...
  10. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Sad to see Cyrene so empty

    I am there often.. you should check out the brim or the gardens.. killin the weeds is a good time.. I like the imperiums too.. hope to catch you out thanks for stopping by :))
  11. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Buying Ranked HK

    yea I tested my wife, she works good :whip: . you should very well test yours :thumbup: Would love to loot one of those Knifes (or wives) but still waiting on mine.
  12. JaK UnLiMiTed

    FIXED old alpha zeladoths bug abuse

    peeps will find the bug anyway.... so calling out the mob may cause more to exploit it, but also cause the developers to do some thing quicker.. so dont kick yourself jelly its good that you publicly exposed .. hell with the results, developers need to get on this A.S.A.P now for sure ;).. I got...
  13. JaK UnLiMiTed

    What is the deal with Lag?

    I have good setup. I can run game in very high and have it set just between med and high.. I have big foot killer network card so I set the priorities to give game highest priority this seemed to help a bit.. I do clear cache before launching (and before lunch :) ). I have reduced the lag a bit...
  14. JaK UnLiMiTed

    What is the deal with Lag?

    Wow.... what is the deal with all the lag on this planet.. I have been here now since the beginning and only going to caly to get guns and L armors and a mining amp or two. But in the last week or so the Lag here has been crazy stupid. I have lost my entire set of L tiger killing Imperiums...
  15. JaK UnLiMiTed

    FIXED Cyrene Report Thread (14.1)

    (126747, 83720, 103) what happen to mobs.. was killin and now they just quit spawning?
  16. JaK UnLiMiTed

    Mobs of Calypso - Harlem Shake 2013

    lol.. nice... and nice pic Loren.. my type of girl
  17. JaK UnLiMiTed

    9k swamp lurkers

  18. JaK UnLiMiTed

    [QUESTION] Newb Visitor to Cyrene

    Gratz... I think that you have a good chance at this point in time to do well here on this planet.. I personally kill lots of weeds and have looted many esi's. Flaxen has a good MU and will sell .. Many guns are lower level that are looted also, Heart heal box is good I would invest in that. I...
  19. JaK UnLiMiTed

    New Discoveries ARC Elite / ARC Guardian Armor

    I agree on the durability.. seems real low for a L armor