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Questions from a Cyrenean

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Planet Cyrene received a message from a dedicated member of the community ...


Fellow Cyreneans,

Today we got a letter from our friend and dedicated member of this community, TunerS, with his personal opinion about Cyrene so-far, spiced with great suggestions and comments.

We appreciate when you guys take the time to write us serious and constructive feed-back and therefore Kris replied to TunerS’ questions and comments.

We wish to make this available for you, because some of you might have the same questions and thoughts about the planet, and therefore these replies are for you too!

Thank you and thank you TunerS :goodbee:


My personal opinion about limited Cyrene weapons is, that it's a disaster! You will probably ask me why it is so, and here’s an example:

Imperium HK Special Ops (L) –> 445.00PED –> 13.5-27.0 damage
Imperium HK Vet (L) –> 410.00PED –> 7.5-15.0 damage
Enkidd Dire S.8 (L) -> 54.00PED -> 24.5-59.0 damage
Imperium Issue HK 2500 (L) -> 55.00PED -> 25.5-51.0 damage

Weapons that would be just perfect for newcomer in damage and skill wise, you made completely unavailable for them adding 400+ PED TT value to it. No sane newcomer would spend that kind of money for a weapon! Not while they are just starting to learn the game. It's bad already but yet they decay like 2/5 compared to ammo use. I can't even cycle 1.5k PED with a 400+ PED gun?

Let's take another example: Enkidd Dire S.8 (L). Decent damage but the TT value is too high again! It's impossible to supply enough weapons to actually make a decent hunting. It doesn't even last for average 3 hunting runs.

So here is the question: Why would you make so high TT value on low level guns that decay so much and so low TT value on normal and high damage guns?

It doesn't make any sense at all. What is the difference to you to put let's say 3x higher ammo usage and reduce TT value and weapon decay compared to this? Why can't we have a normal 10-20PED TT value newcomer guns that would last longer and make players enjoy hunting with them at affordable cost?

Put that 400PED TT value to those HK 2k-3k versions, so it would pay back to hunters who loot it to sell and to those you want should use them. I do have a feeling I know what you tried to do here. Make a lot of tiny TT value guns that break faster, increase drop rate so in good runs we would end up with several guns in our loot. I know it's nicer to loot items than usual oils and components, but this is just not it. No one wants to buy weapons for 130%+ that will break after spending 500ped of ammo. This is the main reason why everyone is taking other planet weapons with them when they comes hunting and it will stay like this as long as you don't change it.

Weapons are NOT the ones we should buy every time when visiting TT terminal - ammo is!

Yes, with the limited weapons we wanted to do exactly as you say: Have a lot more weapons drop so more weapons would be available and hunters will be looting lower TT weapons more often.

While I agree that many of our limited weapons have too high of a TT value and the low end, many of our Dire, Fang, Imperium HK, Imperium Pilot series weapons, even at 50% TT value, have 2,500 shots.

That being said we are looking to scale the TT value more in line with weapon stats in the future for all of our weapons.

When it comes to my thoughts about Cyrene specific materials, there are just too much to say in one sentence.

But please stop dropping so much material that we have no or very little use for! For example the Low Grade Motion Sensor. It is used in like 2 or something blueprints that we have discovered so far. It's ok... several units for a click... not bad... but the blueprints are of course limited and drops so rare that it can be considered as super rare and on top of that they are incredibly expensive and totally not worth to even touch.

At the same time there are blueprints that many of us would just love to use like weapon blueprints from the Technician. Only one problem here is, that we need so much Swamplurker Oil that drops so rarely that we can barely get enough for a few clicks a week. Also, as mentioned somewhere before, the Level 1 Weapon blueprints that need material from Level 2 Component blueprints. In professions it is like 5 level differences if I’m not mistaken. Also all those wings and hides and what not – most of that stuff has still no use.

Why would you even spend time making that stuff if it's not going to be used for the next year?

As far as materials go, we've been working to improve the drop rates of items that are used in larger quantities in blueprint recipes, as well as work toward having blueprints discovered. We made a big push with the blueprints this last patch and are working towards having the right materials made more available and the lesser used materials to be more rare.

The biggest problem is that almost all of the stuff on Cyrene is used for something, and there is a disconnection between having the blueprints discovered and having material available for said blueprints.

Also, Master Chief pointed out the issue of level 1 blueprints using level 2 components.

I'm taking the time this VU to go over the blueprints and make sure everything matches up better.

We don't need endless new stuff in every update. We would certainly be happy with just 3 or 5 new items, materials or whatever dropping that we could use in something which would actually be useful.

I understand that there is some epic plan behind all this but 1 year? You could just put more other Cyrene specific materials to drop instead of all this and make crafting as cheap as it could get. Like you did with Lysterium Power Containers – great use for a resource that drops just too much no matter on what planet you are.

Crafters would come to skill and loot new blueprints (if there would be any) and hunters would have a chance to sell all their loot for even small markup and not some tiny part of it for 200%+ to crafters that will then curse to everyone around them for lost money in markup.

You would say that you can't control the price people are asking for their loot but it's not really true. Hunters will try to sell their loot for markup that will at least make them break even.

Let's say that after a 100PED hunt a player gets back 90PED of loot that consists of 18PED Cyrene specific demanded resource. The hunter would sell that specific resource to cover 10PED loss, which would be around 156%. If you increase the drop rate of this material the hunters could loot it more often, which would mean less markup needed to cover the costs. Also, the crafters would be more than happy to pay less for the ingredients.

It would increase demand for that material at a point that it could sell daily for less mark up without any problems. Hunters could afford to hunt more as they could sell their loot daily (not weekly) and crafters could craft more and supply with other stuff without losing too much money in unnecessary markup.

If you can't think of anything to create that players would use, then just make some Anti-Gravity boots, belts, suits or whatever that we could use to mine on Cyrene, because right now it's not really comfortable to use vehicles every time one needs to get to the next drop zone.

We actually liked how the Lysterium Power Containers ended up working out. As I mentioned above, we're working to have the right materials drop at the right frequency - and the rare materials drop less.

I'm hoping to get some fun stuff in before the next VU =)

I really like this: “quote” ...then just make some Anti-Gravity boots, belts, suits or whatever that we could use to mine on Cyrene “quote”

This leads us to the next topic: The Landscape of Cyrene.

I don't really know if there is some deep story behind all of this, but there must be a reason why you made Cyrene as one of the miners’ worst nightmares. There is very little space on the planet where a miner could just run and drop probes left and right without spending more time getting on top of the hills or down from it, than the time spent on actually mining.

And you are all wondering why miners are so angry?

I know that many people aren't happy with all the mountains.

This planet was initially created as a tough and untouched planet (to fit with the chronicles and story line behind Planet Cyrene) – the same with the very dark nights and some places well hidden in trees and mountains. But I agree that the mining was definitely not designed for hills.

I do not think that the topography will change at any time, but the mining areas are going to be re-distributed to “make more sense” (more on this as we get closer to the next VU).

Cyrene creatures!

Some players will definitely disagree with me about this but that is fine. Everyone can think how they like, I am just pointing out the issues, that I find most players I’ve talked with have and which is the main reason why they leave after a short while or just don’t even come to Cyrene again in the first place. So here we go…

First of all, what most players don’t like on Cyrene are the creature spawns. Players like to grind certain creatures in hope to loot something good or just because they already loot well. If they want to go for one single maturity mob then they should have that kind of option.

This is the biggest problem when we take a look at uber creatures like the Zeladoths. Most skilled players in Entropia would be ready to come to Cyrene and kill those Zeladoth Omicrons but there are a few problems.

First of all the spawn from revive point should definitely be in Teleportation Chip I range.

Second, there should be clear single maturity spawns. If they come to kill the biggest creatures on the planet, then they definitely don't want to kill 9 lower ones before they can get to the big one. It would work fine for boss mobs but not for normal spawns.

Third, the normal (flat) terrain is important. Players don't like to spend time climbing mountains up and down all the time just to target next mob. It's a waste of time which they could use killing more creatures elsewhere.

Trust me, I’ve asked this to the most skilled hunters in Entropia and this is what they tell me is a reason why they are not hunting on Cyrene. The same goes for low level Paneleon spawns. There were one from the start but you just ruined it by adding dominant+ maturities everywhere.

The new Zeladoth spawn from the last patch with ut a close revival point was a mistake and I'll be looking to correct it the first chance I get.

So you're saying many higher end players would come and hunt on Cyrene if we:
a) Make the revival points closer to the spawns (again, this was an oversight)?
b) Have areas with singular maturity spawns?
c) Have all this in a flatter area?

This is something I agree with. We are working this next VU to have less creature maturity ranges in one large area, and more tightly packed creature spawns, letting players hunt more to their liking. This does not mean that there won't still be areas that have a wide array of maturities. Everything has to fit together.

The next would probably be creature balancing.

I know it could take a while to adjust values and such but I think you are putting just too much damage types on these mobs. I will take an example from Calypso: After hunting normal ~500HP mobs where I need to use armor, after a ~250PED run I get considerably small armor decay. Now I come to Cyrene, trying to hunt the same HP mobs but after the same PED spent I somehow have several times higher defense cost. Why? Because either mob is hitting like crazy all the time or it just does such weird damage types that armor literally melts from it.

Also please change the “Rhino behavior” so creatures stop pushing players around and moving all the time. It's not only getting on the players nerves but it also makes it really hard to work as a healer when hunting these creatures. You should also consider changing Wiles’ size. Creatures don’t need to take the whole screen to be uber. It would certainly be enough if it would be 2x of the player size with fixed target box so players could hit it without any problems.

This is another reason why uber players don't like to hunt them. It's just too much work to hunt some random creatures. Why would they do that if they can just go to another planet and hunt for several hours without even moving more than 100m from their spot?

As for the creature balancing we're actually doing two things:
1) We are altering some of the damage types
2) We are making our Cyrene armor fit the main damage types that we do want =)

The “Rhino Behavior” is a bug and it is not intended. Hopefully this will be fixed this coming VU.

Please, fix all the mob trapping bugs as soon as possible or just remove those mobs till it’s fixed. Some players get scared away just by knowing that there are others exploiting something daily on the planet. They are playing fair and there is no way they would go hunt these mobs in a normal way and pay huge decay while there are players exploiting them at the same time.

The mob trapping and mob not dealing damage issues should be fixed this coming VU.

And please stop spawning Tide Claws. I think that having 2/5 of the planet covered by them is enough. There are literally not enough players around to create a situation that we would have a shortage of them. Some extra other creature spawns would be right in time but as I understand it you are already working on this right now?

Exactly this =) Thanks for all these input anyhow, even if you know it's being changed =)

Tokens, tokens, tokens. It's interesting – awesome – great – wait what…?

Those were my first impressions in that order about Cyrene mission tokens.

First it was something new and interesting. Exchanging common materials for tokens that later can be exchanged for items or other materials or just sold to other players for a nice markup. But then it all turned around. Mainly because items that we could get wasn't worth the price and molds made armor crafting incredibly expensive. It scared every crafter away from armor crafting. The brave ones just did some clicks for the sake of discoveries or to get a full set of new armor.

Maybe you could try adding some unique clothes or some other miscellaneous items that players could get for tokens and remove molds to ease up armor crafting? Also some mixing with tokens and some others materials (to fill the TT value) so we could get those improved items with higher TT value would be great.

Items would last longer which would make them worth the price. I know that players would like to gather some specific materials for some rarer items in exchange. At least I know, I would...

The tokens will be getting a revamp, and there's not much more I can say about it for now.

I do like the suggestions though =)

It’s time for the HUB, but nothing much to say here. It’s nice already as it is.

Some things like token armor should be improved. It’s crazy to pay that much for an armor that is almost the same as a TT one. I am still looking forward with the hope for a 1 shot/kill sniper rifle in the HUB arena with sweat and token entry.

We're still working on making the HUB balanced and fun with rewards that help your performance to a limited degree while trying to provide ascetic rewards as well.

We need add terminals on Cyrene. Why? It would be nice to be able to advertise something on this planet, like a soc, buying/selling offers or just some useful information for everyone.

It would make Cyrene more alive and players could see that there is actually someone else playing on this planet and not just them alone.

We are actually trying to implement them in the next VU.

Shops! We have been waiting for them for quite a while now. No matter when you are going to release them I would strongly suggest and probably some other players will too, that you don't put first few for highest bidders. It will either go to the resellers that will inflate the price or just get in hands to players, who will put some overpriced stuff in them and just leave the planet for good.

I would advise to give first few shops to the most dedicated players of Cyrene as an appreciation. It would not only be fair to the players who have spend most of their time on Cyrene helping it as best as they can but also make the shop useful for them to sell Cyrene related stuff, which they get regularly. Also it would attract more players that would try to do something for Cyrene for a chance to get some prize.

We've been waiting with the shops as we're not really happy with their placement, and we didn't want to sell them and then move them and have players be upset. They should be ready for the next VU.

As for how the shops are distributed, I'm not in charge of that but I will pass your suggestion on to the Boss, as it sounds good to me.

As some players already mentioned – Hunting zone near Cyrene Space Station!

Motherships have no real reason to stay here because there is nothing to do near the planet. I'm sure that some players will find it really useful to have another hunting zone near Cyrene as it is basically between Calypso and Arkadia, and a lot of ships are flying through this part of the space to transport players forth and back.

We have already requested this from MindArk and are awaiting feedback.

Almost every time someone comes to Cyrene, whenever it is a completely new player or just someone who is looking for something new, they have no idea what they could do here. There are no messages telling them where they should start. I had to explain a lot of players in this last year what and where they can do something on Cyrene. There should be some intro tutorial for players that are visiting Cyrene for the first time, so they know that there are actually quests that they can do and where they cab get them.

In my opinion it is not such a good idea to make Cyrene Port as the arriving place. There were a lot more players hanging at A.R.C. Head Quarters when it was the main area and I think it should be the main area again. After all this is the place with most of the quests.

Also, some players were complaining about the time they needed to wait for their PC to load all the buildings and other objects around Cyrene Port. I also noticed that a lot of players are hanging around Setter Docks area since you added the Pede spawn. That place for sure could become the main Cyrene „swunting camp”.

We are working on something like this for the coming VU (more details as that time gets closer).

About those 3 event areas that can only be used as PVP event areas… I don’t really understand what you want us to do with them? By this I mean that they have no real use at the moment. Unless you make them as hunting event areas?

We've actually added creatures in there but the spawn had a density issue and aren't working.

This will be fixed for the next VU.

I understand that I have little knowledge about how things are working on developers’ side. How many things MA is controlling and how they feel they are right and you can’t even change or argue about it. So feel free to cross over stuff that I mentioned here which is literally impossible for you to improve.

Any and all feedback, positive and negative, is taken with consideration and highly appreciated to us. Everything adds in improving the planet and players experiences. Thank you =)




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Well-Known Member
alot of good stuff there. thank you for taking the time and effort to compile both the questions/suggestions and the responses and also for posting this.


Active Member
ty for the activity of both the questions and the answers. I've read them, but I'll not comment for now.

Edit: without re-reading, one thing stuck in my mind is that you are pleased with the lysterium power containers. They doesn't have a use yet, as far as I can tell. When lyst was briefly right down at super-low mu it might be a case for tt crafting, but I wouldn't do that even then I think. Results MUST have a use or are a dead-end!

I still see crafting as VITAL for any Cyrene success, even though I don't do that much myself. It could change though, given a few good crafting lines....!


Fate Thanatos Themis
Im glad u share such discussion and ask us what do we think about it :)

My comments:

Weapons - yup. high tt on noob L guns, while those stronger have low tt, is weird. Those first go to TT often.

Crafting - some L component BPs are too rare - in example i cant make use of looted enkidd a-32 or a-41 BPs much, no materials/component bps.
The idea of having limited BPs only of items is nice, but not working well yet, cuz too few ppl are grinding BPs atm. Maybe adding some unl BPs at this stage of planet popularity could help?
Also, can we get some more itmes that use oil residue plz? Some mining amps to craft with it?

Crafting and MU - i dropped crafting some time ago - whats the point of making simple ruds (etc.) when i cant use them here and got to tt it. I lose two times this way.
I would love to see native unl BPs using oils much tho, that products things that are for something.
Power container is for... nothing atm?

Hunting and MU of items - i rly like returns on Cyrene, with some unl items covering losses.

Hunting and armor decay / trapping issues - one thing is that decay of armor seems to boost the loot a bit - despite high decay on zeladoths i keep my returns similar, second is that if u can shot the tiger from the tree in RL instead get wounded doing it, why would u not to climb a tree? Be smarter than creatures u hunt. Anyway not much use for trapping while after few seconds it goes unreachable.
All that Devs can do is to make mobs smarter. I can point some ways of helping creatures getting hunters for a meal ;)
Anyway, this issue is global one, not Cyrene's exclusive.

Hunting and respawns - i rly like the idea of mixed maturity on spots. It makes hunting harder, yes it does iritate me also when i try to get paneleons old alpha only, but also makes hunting more interesting. Imagine group of lions in RL containing only alpha-males lol. Some species can form herds, some just families. Respawns number and rate could be higher tho.

Creature balancing - its different than on Caly, but not worse, actually i like how it is here more.

Landscape - I like how it is atm. Getting to places where not many ppl will try to, makes me feel this not gonna be dry place. Another thing is if mineral respawns are located in such not so avialable areas... not always lol.

This is same thing like with mixed creature respawns - u dont want to climb hills now, soon u not gonna want to run at all from place to place. Maybe u want to make hunting and mining like crafting by terminal? Afking with autouse and maybe autorun, autoaim, and autoloot? Rly?

Tokens - yes i rly look forward some good use for them. I hope for some UNL items (weapons, vehicles, armors, amps, shops). I could buy for tokens this improved si heart, if it was unlimited. Can cost more, but got to be unlimited. Maybe an estate for Tokens?

HUB - well, HUB = lag for me, so no thx. I shot to guys that are aiming a wall and hitting me, funny.

Adds - yes, plz!

Shops - yes, plz!

Space hunting area - would help to increase trafic here for sure

Tutorials - there could be some kind of mission starting automaticly while landing for the first time, and directing a player a bit.

Event areas - im not sure if its possible to implement, but id love to see a terminal that allow to rent the area for a some time, pick a mob to respawn there, and set tax to get there as return of costs setting this event.

Weapons... keep the TT lower so they're looted (full TT) frequently. Keep the number of uses higher than 8000. Adjust ammo use accordingly. L Guns with 2500 uses aren't much use unless they're newbie guns.


Travelling through time...
Hunting and armor decay / trapping issues - one thing is that decay of armor seems to boost the loot a bit - despite high decay on zeladoths i keep my returns similar, second is that if u can shot the tiger from the tree in RL instead get wounded doing it, why would u not to climb a tree? Be smarter than creatures u hunt. Anyway not much use for trapping while after few seconds it goes unreachable.
All that Devs can do is to make mobs smarter. I can point some ways of helping creatures getting hunters for a meal ;)
Anyway, this issue is global one, not Cyrene's exclusive.

Rumors say that these mobs didn't go unreachable so you could just kill them without any armor decay while shooting one mob for several minutes. ;)

Landscape - I like how it is atm. Getting to places where not many ppl will try to, makes me feel this not gonna be dry place. Another thing is if mineral respawns are located in such not so avialable areas... not always lol.

This is same thing like with mixed creature respawns - u dont want to climb hills now, soon u not gonna want to run at all from place to place. Maybe u want to make hunting and mining like crafting by terminal? Afking with autouse and maybe autorun, autoaim, and autoloot? Rly?

If you have to climb on top of the mountain almost every time you want to kill a mob then after a while it kinda gets on your nerves. There are creature spawns that might be ok from the start but after a while most of the mobs spawn on top of the hills where the only way to get there is by jumping like crazy for minutes or use vehicles. After a few k mobs killed you can really notice how much time you spend on climbing those mountains.


Fate Thanatos Themis
Rumors say that these mobs didn't go unreachable so you could just kill them without any armor decay while shooting one mob for several minutes. ;)

i heard rumors that if u aim in mobs nuts, u get better loot... too bad i cant find it at mang changs, but both can be true ;) Too bad i dont know what mobs ur talking about to check it :(

If you have to climb on top of the mountain almost every time you want to kill a mob then after a while it kinda gets on your nerves. There are creature spawns that might be ok from the start but after a while most of the mobs spawn on top of the hills where the only way to get there is by jumping like crazy for minutes or use vehicles. After a few k mobs killed you can really notice how much time you spend on climbing those mountains.

yup its a bit harded than shooting at plain landscape, but for newcomer as i am, its not so annoying yet ;)

Anyway im glad u started such discussion with Devs, even if i dont agree at some points,



New Member
Edit: without re-reading, one thing stuck in my mind is that you are pleased with the lysterium power containers. They doesn't have a use yet, as far as I can tell. When lyst was briefly right down at super-low mu it might be a case for tt crafting, but I wouldn't do that even then I think. Results MUST have a use or are a dead-end!

There are two reasons I know of that people are clicking Lyst Power containers

1. Click them on max condition to convert low MU Lyst to higher MU Metal Residue
2. Click them on max condition for swirlies :)
Tuners :"First of all, what most players don’t like on Cyrene"
I think saying "most" is a overstatement... Tuners has good advice, I agree but he by no means stands or speaks for the majority.....

- I understand that some items looted are of no apparent use but we all know they will become useful one day.. This makes saving materials a good idea and in fact this is what I do, I save rare or low drop rate materials that I loot (ask master chief, he purchased my flaxen from auction for over 600% MU well then he wanted a refund lol).. So with that said, if you now increase drop rate of materials like these (flaxen is only one of the materials I have saved) I will have have done so in vain.. Which would be unfair to traders like myself.

- So let me make a suggestion: instead of playing around with drop rates of materials just release the blueprints that use such material quicker.. I think that dropping the blueprints ahead of the materials seems a bit more logical than dropping the materials first.. simply because the mats are then sold to tt because lack of buyers. Blueprints are more likely to be saved and put in books for later use
- I get very upset when people make statements like this concerning shops "It will either go to the re-sellers that will inflate the price" Well re-sellers are players too.. and inflation is natural response to trading and eventually price drop below MU and this in return cause more to buy and the cycle continues, that is what makes EU economy so much like RL economy. Developers need to stay away from trying to influence that... whats next a central bank a federal reserve? I made a good living in-game buying and re-selling apartments, and that very concept is what attracts a lot of new players to the game and it was a driving force for my beginning, long ago.
- I have been a faithful cyrenian from the day cyrene first launched, Tuners might think that only the citizens of the month are the faithful but he is dead wrong. Let me ask this "how you going to determine the faithful players that deserve the shops?" I think I am as faithful as any of the so called "citizens of the month".. I think Tuners wants a shop Lykke and is already laying the ground work :bandit:.

- South of crystal Gardens is the spawn for dire weeds and a place where alot of players go to kill weeds this area needs to be re-amped for sure. Maybe spread out the mobs a bit more I noticed the southeastern part of the area has no mobs, maybe spread the weed spawn out in that direction. Second of all, for the last time, do something about the exploiters that sweat and hide behind vehicles, as Vigilantes my soc would love to see you make this area pvp :).
-I for one love the mountains and the cyrene landscape, I loved the dark nights. I agreed that the dark nights made it hard for some activities but that is what made cyrene unique and a challenge.. I like the idea that you have to look for places to mine and I was never a miner that just run north and dropped 1k of probes.. I have always been picky of where I dropped. So again Tuners does not speak for me on this subject: Lykke plz dont take his opinions as that of the majority opinion, leave the mountains and the scenery alone they are not a "miners worst nightmare", if you must do something just slow down the scenery around popular hunting spawns, this I can understand. And easy on how you adjust the cyrene specific mining Materials, again people save what seems to be rare till they become useful ;)
- I do agree with Tuners as far as the weapons dmg, decay and tt value.
- I dont really hunt in space. - Cyrene creatures: I hunt weeds and imperiums mostly. Flat terrain near hunting mobs and their spawns yea I agree but instead of changing terrain change the spawns to areas that seem more hunter freindly, one exception still keep some small spawns in the mountains and hills it is nice to see a mob to kill while out mining. I have gotten many globals killing mobs in my way of a claim.. I like randomness out in there too
- I agree that some of the lower health mobs seem to hit way too often, re-balancing this aspect seems in order.
- Hub I do not do, I voiced my opinion on that already elsewhere. Tokens I just save for future use I dont see a good reason to buy anything with them yet and I would be foolish to sell so early (will hit master chief up later :secret:)
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Travelling through time...
I think saying "most" is a overstatement... Tuners has good advice, I agree but he by no means stands or speaks for the majority.....
That's why it is a public conversation ;)

One more thing Lykke: Citizens of the month should be voted in as such by faithful citizens of cyrene .. Just a suggestion :woohoo:
Let me ask this "how you going to determine the faithful players
There could be some official devs "Top Players" ranking board with points :D

I get very upset when people make statements like this concerning shops - It will either go to the re-sellers that will inflate the price. Well re-sellers are players too.. and inflation is natural response to trading and eventually price drop below MU and this in return cause more to buy and the cycle continues, that is what makes EU economy so much like RL economy. Developers need to stay away from trying to influence that... whats next a central bank a federal reserve? I made a good living in-game buying and re-selling apartments, and that very concept is what attracts a lot of new players to the game and it was a driving force for my beginning, long ago.

I know that this came out a bit weird. I'm a part time trader myself so i understand why are you upset about this. What i wanted to say is that i don't want to see shops fall in hands to those who doesn't use them properly (e.g. completely empty while they try to sell them for a ridiculous markup that could never came, or full with tt items +1-10PED that just feels wrong).
I know that this came out a bit weird. I'm a part time trader myself so i understand why are you upset about this. What i wanted to say is that i don't want to see shops fall in hands to those who doesn't use them properly (e.g. completely empty while they try to sell them for a ridiculous markup that could never came, or full with tt items +1-10PED that just feels wrong).
What players do with what they buy is simply their choice.. If a player wants to buy a shop and let it sit there that too is their choice.. I for one dont want any developer making choice picks about who gets what, bad idea all around. Simply put out the shops on auction or in loot pool but dont dictate what players get what, according to what they might or might not do with it....again their property their choice.. I kinda get the feeling you want a nanny-state in a virtual world... I dont want to give more power to the developer than they need.. We as investors can make our own choices and do with our shops and items as we wish.... Freedom of property is important in the true sense of economy... I say distribute the shops and leave it alone.. if folks want to resell for a some outrageous MU, oh well that is just the way it is. Lets not start dictating what peeps can and cant do and lets not give shops to a selected few, based on some idea of them being faithful cyrene players. Simply put, you cant determine faithfulness of cyrene players simply by points.. Let me ask this what would you consider a top player? Some one who writes in forum alot? Some one that kills alot of mobs? Some one that is logged in the most? Some one that is on the planet the most? .............. Ubbers, writers and big spenders :((.. I dont write in forum a whole hell of a lot but I am just as faithful a cyrene player, as any other cyrene player.. I dont have the most globals the most HOF's the most post or the biggest wallet.. Yet I deserve the shops just a much as anyone on cyrene... I guess what I am trying to say is dont pick and choose who gets what.. simply not fair game


Well-Known Member
What players do with what they buy is simply their choice.. If a player wants to buy a shop and let it sit there that too is their choice.. I for one dont want any developer making choice picks about who gets what, bad idea all around. Simply put out the shops on auction or in loot pool but dont dictate what players get what, according to what they might or might not do with it....again their property their choice.. I kinda get the feeling you want a nanny-state in a virtual world... I dont want to give more power to the developer than they need.. We as investors can make our own choices and do with our shops and items as we wish.... Freedom of property is important in the true sense of economy... I say distribute the shops and leave it alone.. if folks want to resell for a some outrageous MU, oh well that is just the way it is. Lets not start dictating what peeps can and cant do and lets not give shops to a selected few, based on some idea of them being faithful cyrene players. Simply put, you cant determine faithfulness of cyrene players simply by points.. Let me ask this what would you consider a top player? Some one who writes in forum alot? Some one that kills alot of mobs? Some one that is logged in the most? Some one that is on the planet the most? .............. Ubbers, writers and big spenders :((.. I dont write in forum a whole hell of a lot but I am just as faithful a cyrene player, as any other cyrene player.. I dont have the most globals the most HOF's the most post or the biggest wallet.. Yet I deserve the shops just a much as anyone on cyrene... I guess what I am trying to say is dont pick and choose who gets what.. simply not fair game

i kinda agree about shops. i would like to have active shops but... owners choice what they do with them. i think maybe have one dead in each or the loot pools for crafting hunting and mining would be nice. make it a non tradeable item that a player can only turn in for a shop deed. or do a ped or token auction. dont really know i am sure the devs have a pretty nice idea about what to do with them.

not sure about any thing else. alot of problems would be sloved if more players came to cyrene and i think that is partialy our fault as players on cyrene. its hard to do but we should go out and find people that are intrested in cyrene and show them the ropes.

talk to them about what loots what thats used to make what, ect... but thats hard to do because it will cut in to out profits and play style...

but i think that would help alot getting some players here and not making the learning curve so steep buy having them have to map ores and enmats, hunt lots of mobs to find what loots what, and craft lots of things to see what bp drops what other bp.

i think that its time we sacrafice some of our secerets for the good of cyrene. just my thoughts atleast.


Active Member
There are two reasons I know of that people are clicking Lyst Power containers

1. Click them on max condition to convert low MU Lyst to higher MU Metal Residue
2. Click them on max condition for swirlies :)

yes, at very low MU for lyst it is at least something to think about doing. The MU on the bp did increase quite a bit during the massive dip in lyst mu, so I guess it was being done, but it's still not a resource that you 'want' to mine at super-low mu, and if the mu is higher then the clicking is not worth it as far as I can tell.

There will always be swings in the economy, but Cyrene should do better than have a couple of things that get a green light for maybe a few weeks, and possibly never again.

Also, Kris 'going over blueprints' sounds like they may be changed again. On the one hand this is good if the balance was terrible before, but forum information will be wrong, and the negative image will persist.

The time has come to be able to easily view stats for bps from within EU without needing one already in inventory/storage, especially (L) bps, to even have a chance of knowing what is now true as mats. OR, we simply need a web page/ forum sticky by Cyrene with bps and mats listed please! (with dates of any updates).

Also, regarding citizen of the month - Cyrene seems to have run out of them! But there has been discussion about what is a dedicated Cyrenean. MY position on this is that the things that 'work for people' on Cyrene right now probably do not suit telling others about them, as the small green shoots of success will be trampled on if more than a few people do the activity. There is thus a conflict of interest between being on Cyrene and advertising it (or its secrets) to others.

As my main time is spent in space on an MS, I am again not on Cyrene now. But you have now asked for a mob training ground near Cyrene SS, so I see you are taking space somewhat seriously as necessary for your visitors and trade. Step by step... but you can't afford to make any of them steps back by screwing up new bps and mats in my opinion. my plea after seeing so many vus is: PLEASE get it right this time! And here is a smile of encouragement! :)


Active Member
I was expecting Cyrene to be da BOMB planet, but got little disapointed by slow improvements here. May be it is normal for game/planet to develop 3-4 years and it was my fault to expect great planet sooner. Lately I even started wondering if this planet is developed atm. Good to hear someone is working on it. 1 year has passed I can wait 3 more :kos:


Active Member
The only question I want answered by the staff of Cyrene is... Any ETA for the hard launch? I've been waiting for so long.. it's not even funny anymore.. You don't need to tell me what you're gonna add because that's :topsecret: however an ETA when it will arrive will be most appreciated.


Well-Known Member
one of the things that i think that cyrene has done really well up to this point.

is give us players a reason to hunt each mob. maybe the bp's have not droped yet but there is still mob specific loots that gives us a potential reason to hunt each thing.

i spent a few days on caly hunting a few creatures for the iron challenges and its a drastic difference compared to cyrene. makes me really appreciative for the work/ thought that you guys have put into the loots for each mobs and giving us a reason to do the various missions and making it feasible to hunt different things instead or grinding only one mob for weeks to get a decent stack to sell.


Active Member
one of the things that i think that cyrene has done really well up to this point.

is give us players a reason to hunt each mob. maybe the bp's have not droped yet but there is still mob specific loots that gives us a potential reason to hunt each thing.

i spent a few days on caly hunting a few creatures for the iron challenges and its a drastic difference compared to cyrene. makes me really appreciative for the work/ thought that you guys have put into the loots for each mobs and giving us a reason to do the various missions and making it feasible to hunt different things instead or grinding only one mob for weeks to get a decent stack to sell.

Not sure if MA or Cyrene team decide what loot what


I am deeply gratefu for the level of communication that the Cyrene Devlopment Team has with the players. Not only do they value the feedback, but they actually listen to the thoughts and suggestions offered.

When it comes to developing Cyrene, it is important to understand the perspectives of many different individuals. Everyone has their own playstyle. When improvements are made, the response from individuals will range from total total ecstacy to downright anger. The developers know this, and thoroughly contemplate every improvement made.

I understand the impossibility of trying to please everyone, and appreciate the efforts the developers make for the "good of all." I am reticent to offer my opinions on what I would like to see "improved", as I do not have the long term foresight to offer the best advice. I would rather seek for what is best for the game, not what is best for an individual player (nor what is best for MA's Pocketbook) at the expense of many.

I will say that my biggest challenge is finding the weapon of the desired level. I enjoy being able to hunt the mob of my choice, however, I am not always able to do so. I often have to pick the weapon first, then decide my prey. UL weapons are great (and preferred), yet have their disadvantages. I must simply adapt to this playstyle.

I am glad that the Developers seek to address this (and all other issues) to find the right balance.

The game is what it is, and adaptation is key.

Most importantly, Cyrene is great.
Developers, please continue to do your fantastic job.