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  1. McCormick

    An Introduction to Alexandar

    Ed and Kris have my respect, but this is the end my friend. Ed beeing long gone. Kris "leaving" too now. Im not going to insult you Alexandar, but.... Im sure they need help with the fishy developer in the background, called Mindark. We arent THAT dumb, we are fully aware that Cyrene DONT...
  2. McCormick

    COO2O2O - Content of Oblivion 2020 (the gigantic graphic)

    I decided to create one single image out of my blog, "Content of Oblivion". With timeline and additional infos. This makes it by far more easy to read then my blog and gives you a nice big picture. :p The image dimensions are 26.000 x 3000 pixels and its currently a 16 megabyte JPG...
  3. McCormick

    Cyrene March 2019 VU Absence

    Sounds like MindArk is involved...which often means, there was more than an unpleasent surprise involved. p.s. Any ETA when the mechs will go live ? Different Races ? Sons of Remus ? I know, this is sooOOOooOo 2011... :'(
  4. McCormick

    Selling All of my 300 blueprints incl. all books and Expl. BP I (0.94) and II (0.98)

    *ALL SOLD* Selling all of my 300 blueprints I collected over the years, including all books : This is what is left (29.01.2018) Sorted by value, 300 Blueprints are now left. All books included. Added todays auction prices to the 1st 15 blueprints. Bulk Sale Only 1. Explosive...
  5. McCormick

    MA releases Planet Calypso Teaser 1/2018 !

    MA introduces a new render teaser, with awesome physics, the deeptoken and it even has David Simmonds in it !
  6. McCormick

    The Hub Extra Hub areas

    SEE SEE....
  7. McCormick

    White flower is Project Entropia Cents?

    This is happening inside Entropia since 1999. 1st the devs started to place some random items...then players started doing it. And they are still doing it 18 years later :)
  8. McCormick

    Selling Official Reallife Entropia Figurines

    Ive found some entropia figurines in the attic. Seen ppl selling these for 500 PED per mob and for 100 PED per mob. So I will offer a Set of 3 figurines (Hogglo, Atrox & Longu) for 299 PED + Shipping. Since this is already running on facebook, feel free to check for happy customers and...
  9. McCormick

    Free Speech on Loot Theories #cyrene chat banned - wheres the fun ?

    I looted a lot of item A and item B using item C. Using item D did not make me loot A & B. When I used item C again I did still not loot A & B. This was tested over several weeks. Its dynamic as well. It also felt more like "mob X has item A & B only on special days/times"
  10. McCormick

    Why are the chronicles empty ?

    How can some company be low on manpower with "Creative Kingdom" in the background ? So many questions that I would like to see answered 1st...
  11. McCormick

    Send this support ticket into support to help our chances

    Chill Rusty, chill. Its not that MA became angels over night.
  12. McCormick

    Why are the chronicles empty ?

    The arrival of the word "Creative Kingdom" felt so uber mighty with its office photos and "clay" models. It really activated some hope again. Could this be my new home planet ? Indeed the story felt like the (2nd) most powerfull that could be have been told (inside of Entropia). Choose...
  13. McCormick

    Send this support ticket into support to help our chances

    This was indeed around late 2004 / early 2005 at Port Atlanits. =)
  14. McCormick

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    Ya, Im aware of inactivity. I only said we are all still around. ,-) Selling out usually ends up as another investment, but noone tells you about that in the 1st place. The "new" temp. depositors feed the MindArk. Brigde Investment LLC is still in the background. akoz & Co. feed the MindArk...
  15. McCormick

    Why are the chronicles empty ?

    Where is the storyboard ? History ? Chronicles ? And what happened to the "Sons of Remus" ? Where is Ed ?
  16. McCormick

    Send this support ticket into support to help our chances

    You are doing it wrong. Didnt work in 2004, neither works in 2015....
  17. McCormick

    Free Speech on Loot Theories #cyrene chat banned - wheres the fun ?

    Swedish Finanzinspektionen "had a look at Entropia". Not sure they understood everything. ;p With VU 8.7 (1st Nov 2006) PEDs, in form of golden coins, (had to be) got removed from the loot window. One can only guess why. ;p
  18. McCormick

    Planet Cyrene March 2015 VU Preview

    People like you (and me) dream of this "Project Entropia" since 2004. Dont stop dreaming, even if you are already aware that you will never be able to live your dream. =') You can find it in another MMO, but defenitly not in here. Either you accept that or struggle with it like me, never...
  19. McCormick

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth? Dear C-team...

    I dont want to be an A$$ here but... MAy I remind you of the Axe 1x0 change ? Footguards ? AMP nerf etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. The crying of the community got (auto) silenced every single time. Most of you are still around. You have absolutely no rights in this game. MA has any possible...