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  1. TheLovelyHope

    Cyrene in 3 hours.

    Very nice picture;) thank you for sharing
  2. TheLovelyHope

    Cyrene in 3 hours.

    Sorry got this out to you too late:P Congrats on your global though~
  3. TheLovelyHope

    Cyrene in 3 hours.

    I recommend you start in ARC Headquarters, pick up the nearby quests. Great to look around the second hand staging area, which you will probably enter through. I love Cyrene's picturesque view, you will probably notice that it gets fairly dark there too lol, so hope you have a flashlight...
  4. TheLovelyHope

    ~Excuses are the easiest things to manufacture, but the hardest things to Sell~

    ~Excuses are the easiest things to manufacture, but the hardest things to Sell~
  5. TheLovelyHope


    With the abundance of sweat giving direweeds on Cyrene, sounds to me that it would be useful to the planet's future, as well as neighboring ones to make use of all this accumulated sweat...It should be utilized for manufacturing in a broader scale, as well as used in vehicles for travel. Yes...