Well-Known Member
Hello Cyrene players,
this forum sleep a little, then i open this thread for celebrate my first year in game.
I started Entropia universe on Calypso. After 10 days my mentor found me. I was stuck in outpost and he helped to join a teleporter. Noemy Syphilis is from BlackAngel HQ, he play on this universe since 2003. He was great with me, he showed me plenty thing. I meet his Friends like Leya or Sarah.
In French community i found Soitzen, he told : Come to Cyrene for the fap mission, it was in september. I came on Cyrene and i never leaved the planet.
The only one with epic mission and special mobs to summon. I was happy during 7 month. I skilled up hard, i am level 56 BLP pistoleer now.
I did ARC badge mission in first, stage 1 first for 200 badges then stage 2 for 500 badges and finally i got 1200 badges for the stage 3. That was me first disappointment. Vendor in stage 1 and 2 are ok with armor in stock, but no weapons.... and no armor or weapon in vendor 3
I did'nt understanded why i spended my time for that...
I planned to start the both epic mission chain. My first was the tanhok epic mission chain, i wanted to have the weapon UL in reward. During this mission i found and joined Cyreans society. Great guys ! My mentor and this society are my luck on this game. They helped me to finish the epic mission, especially for golem. BIG THANKS GUYS
I finally done the mission and i got the Opzyne BP S1X4 BLP pistoleer. I have so happy. I hope a day we can have possibilty to upgrade it on and adj or imp or mod S1X4... Let's see what happen
I started and did Zora epic mission chain, more easy to do it than the tanhok
Then now after 1 year i dont know what to do, i am on my way for get the Lime green token for the inside and outside coat and what to do after ? Can be survive one more year on Cyrene ? Lets see the next PP VU. I hope more mission or special mob will come.
Maybe some event will help to stay too
Thx for reading
this forum sleep a little, then i open this thread for celebrate my first year in game.
I started Entropia universe on Calypso. After 10 days my mentor found me. I was stuck in outpost and he helped to join a teleporter. Noemy Syphilis is from BlackAngel HQ, he play on this universe since 2003. He was great with me, he showed me plenty thing. I meet his Friends like Leya or Sarah.
In French community i found Soitzen, he told : Come to Cyrene for the fap mission, it was in september. I came on Cyrene and i never leaved the planet.
The only one with epic mission and special mobs to summon. I was happy during 7 month. I skilled up hard, i am level 56 BLP pistoleer now.
I did ARC badge mission in first, stage 1 first for 200 badges then stage 2 for 500 badges and finally i got 1200 badges for the stage 3. That was me first disappointment. Vendor in stage 1 and 2 are ok with armor in stock, but no weapons.... and no armor or weapon in vendor 3
I planned to start the both epic mission chain. My first was the tanhok epic mission chain, i wanted to have the weapon UL in reward. During this mission i found and joined Cyreans society. Great guys ! My mentor and this society are my luck on this game. They helped me to finish the epic mission, especially for golem. BIG THANKS GUYS
I finally done the mission and i got the Opzyne BP S1X4 BLP pistoleer. I have so happy. I hope a day we can have possibilty to upgrade it on and adj or imp or mod S1X4... Let's see what happen
I started and did Zora epic mission chain, more easy to do it than the tanhok
Then now after 1 year i dont know what to do, i am on my way for get the Lime green token for the inside and outside coat and what to do after ? Can be survive one more year on Cyrene ? Lets see the next PP VU. I hope more mission or special mob will come.
Maybe some event will help to stay too
Thx for reading