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1288 ped hof


New Member

Hof Seem to be often than [Weakened Power Crystal]


Hey guys,

I have reached out to MA again about this however due to the midsummer holiday I haven't heard anything back yet.

As soon as I have more information I'll post it up here.

Is there any official update on this issue? I see that 3 of the Weakened Power Crystals have dropped in Sep/Oct, but none since. So it looks like something was done, but it still seems like we should be seeing these drop more frequently. Is it unreasonable to think that they should have a similar drop rate as the Lesser Power Crystal?

Thanks, Ost

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Ost,

Is there any official update on this issue? I see that 3 of the Weakened Power Crystals have dropped in Sep/Oct, but none since. So it looks like something was done, but it still seems like we should be seeing these drop more frequently. Is it unreasonable to think that they should have a similar drop rate as the Lesser Power Crystal?

I agree that they should have a similar drop rate and it's something that we have put forth to MA as well.

Looking at last 2 weeks of reports 2 lesser power crystals did drop each week, so I think it's getting better, that being said there is an open dialogue about this between us and MA and I will update them about this, and our own, feedback.



Yes, I don't think anyone has an issue with the Lessers, if you put the time in you can definitely loot what you need. Thanks for keeping on MA about the Weakened Power Crystals though, a lot of us are dead in the water on this mission until that gets fixed.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
For sure it's technically doable with refining, it'd only need to be 2 lesser for 1 weakened.

And of course, it'd need to be cleared internally, and then by MA, but could be a thing.

I'll see if has legs.


New Member
For sure it's technically doable with refining, it'd only need to be 2 lesser for 1 weakened.

And of course, it'd need to be cleared internally, and then by MA, but could be a thing.

I'll see if has legs.

Lesser has 20 ped tt and weakened has 10 ped tt so refining 1 lesser = 2 weakened