Travelling through time...
Summer storage cleaning! Check the Google docs link below!
Updated: 02.07.14
It is showing items that are located on Cyrene and Calypso. You can switch the pages using top left navigation bar.
Also selling...
==========ITEMS ON SALE (while stocks last!)==========
12x Ripper Hide Armor Plate (L) - 130%
Any quantity for a reasonable price. PM or add me in game Sniper TunerS Eagle for more information.
Write here or PM me with your offers and amount you need. Comments like "i will take that for tt" etc. will be ignored.
Updated: 02.07.14
It is showing items that are located on Cyrene and Calypso. You can switch the pages using top left navigation bar.
Also selling...
==========ITEMS ON SALE (while stocks last!)==========
12x Ripper Hide Armor Plate (L) - 130%
Any quantity for a reasonable price. PM or add me in game Sniper TunerS Eagle for more information.
Write here or PM me with your offers and amount you need. Comments like "i will take that for tt" etc. will be ignored.
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