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Wish List A.R.C Armor Platings...


Last month looking to find an Armor plating to use with my ARC Patrol ...ok the Electric is easy but for shrapnel's few and mostly high lvl and costly alot...for example :

CDF Armor Plate Tellus I (L)
CDF Armor Plate Tellus II (L)
Armor Plating Mark.10C TEN Edition
Protector Plating of the Sand King

Next plates have some shrapnel's def but not worthy to pay so much if u dont need the rest types of protection :
Armor Plating Mark.5E (L)
Pulsar Armour Plate 9 (L)

And last is : Armor Plating Mark.4B

As u can see most of this plating's is high lvl and priced enough for average players and only Uber hunters and PvP'rs can afford and used them...:cry_2:

On Cyrene we have a very nice ARC armor and until ARC 3 dont have Electric or Shrapnel's protection so is very good opportunity for Cyrene devs to grab and work for a new A.R.C Armor Platings (Electric +Shrapnel's) for average lvl of protection/price of both types but mostly for shrapnel's protection , that missing alot...:wise:

Faceof is Dynamic...:nunchucks:


Well-Known Member
Same thing with acid plate :)

Wish to see both of these plate on Cyrene :)
Maybe 3 set of both, 1 set for small gear, 1set for average players and 1 set for uber players .


Or : Electric+Acid+Shrapels ...

That seems a great A.R.C Armor Plating...and as Justine says for all ped cards...small/average/uber...:clap:

Faceof is Dynamic...:boxer:
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