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Bug Report A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor


Well-Known Member
price on the vendor for this armor is wrong.
Vendor ask 90ped shrapnel per armor part. That's 150% MU ! Usually that was 105% MU...

Is it intended to put 150% MU there ?


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member


Cyrene Crusader
So here is the Cyrene team thinking..humm...how should we insult our hardcore grinders and put off players aiming for 1200 badges? Oh, yes, let's put 150 % MU on the reward armor. That should teach them!

At least it taught me not to bother with A.R.C Badges ever again. Even the Patrol I worked hard to unlock now has stupidly high MU. Thanks, Cyrene team.

Tbh, I think the team is infiltrated by someone from Gambling addicts anonymous... :D Because the Cyrene team has made a lot of improvements lately, throwing raffle event at us and lot of new stuff to do and discover. Why work against themselves? Same with the Ryvox mission, a lot of effort there to put players off....*sigh* I can only hope MA is to blame.


I've just saw this new armour and was planning on grinding up to 1200 after halloween but at 150% I'll find something else to do. The few ped I spend on the missions won't bother cyrene too much but the 5kped a day on other mobs I'd hunt while i'm on the planet might.


Active Member
It's fucked up, because it used to be shrapnel, so 102-105% markup, a reward for those who grind the badges.
Imagine you started years ago to be able to one day get that big armor for 105%. On calypso you can get the best weapons only doing some small missions (daily rewards) every 10 days you can get yourself a free high dps gun, just by doing some simple missions (100 of this, 80 of that, 20 mobs and a crystal, argo young, shared shooting at the feffoid pit). I have yet to loot a single weapon voucher and I have 1050 badges, was working my way to 1200. Why does Cyrene always take the candy away? Always the same shit over and over. I am glad I got my stolen armor in the past, but I had to work hard because 2 days later they were no more, at least it was communicated it would be closed soon. Worse shit with the adjusted/imp/mod imperium set, lets put it out there for 2 weeks and then take it away without notice. I hope the plates are here to stay, but with this team you never know.. and that's a really sad thing, because I really like the planet.


Sandal San Tolk
... I hope the plates are here to stay, but with this team you never know.. and that's a really sad thing, because I really like the planet.
I seriously doubt it is them. It would be highly irrational. Been ranting about this already way more than I wanted and would prefer to give it a rest, it's no use. You just vote with your feet. I like this planet a lot, too.


New Member
Cyrene is one of my favorite planets, but the massive MU on the A.R.C armor have made them all but worthless. If your willing to pay out a 50% MU on armor, there are alot of options, and many of the other ones do not require massive faction grinding for badges.

As well, at the time of this post, I have 444 Badges, have killed around 8000 or so weak Nimets, and have yet to see a Voucher. So whats the point of the vendors? Overpriced armor nobody wants and guns most players will never see vouchers for? The plates are nice, but with the Gorgon plates working as almost a direct point for point substitution, it is not enough of an incentive to stay.

I will grind out my badges for completions sake till I hit 500, and then, with much regret, I will leave Cyrene behind. I will post a new post with my thoughts on Cyrene before I go, but if the only way we can make our votes count is with our feet, then Ill cast my vote.


Cyrene Crusader
As well, at the time of this post, I have 444 Badges, have killed around 8000 or so weak Nimets, and have yet to see a Voucher.

I will grind out my badges for completions sake till I hit 500, and then, with much regret, I will leave Cyrene behind. .

I must add to my earlier comment that A.R.C badges are not the reason why I love Cyrene - I love it because of its funny mobs, good spawns, decent loot, epic chains and (usually) responsive devs - and now also Set 4 rewards in Codex for many mobs. But the A.R.C badges are supposed to be a symbol of loyalty, a long term grind, and the rewards must reflect that. The Patrol armor for tt price (in shrap) was a decent reward.

Elric91 complains about not getting a Voucher after 8k kills. 8k kills is nothing. If we got an UL gun every 8k kills, MU would be +100, not +2000. I doubt UL vouchers drop even in 100k Nimet kills, on average. His failure to understand the law of big numbers has nothing to do with OPs question; the Voucher drop works as intended.

Edit 11/12: Please see replies below. My lashing out was not justified. Apologies to Elric91.
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New Member
Elric91 complains about not getting a Voucher after 8k kills. 8k kills is nothing. If we got an UL gun every 8k kills, MU would be +100, not +2000. I doubt UL vouchers drop even in 100k Nimet kills, on average. His failure to understand the law of big numbers has nothing to do with OPs question; the Voucher drop works as intended.

You Misunderstood the point I was making. The voucher drop rate was only brought up to bring into question: Why do the ARC vendors exsist? Sure, I worded it poorly because I am pretty emotional over seeing such a huge hit to Armor that used to be a great reward to dedicated Cyrene players. This was my statement, and I will bold what I intended my main point to be:

As well, at the time of this post, I have 444 Badges, have killed around 8000 or so weak Nimets, and have yet to see a Voucher. So whats the point of the vendors? Overpriced armor nobody wants and guns most players will never see vouchers for? The plates are nice, but with the Gorgon plates working as almost a direct point for point substitution, it is not enough of an incentive to stay.

I never complained that I didnt get a voucher. My statement that I had not seen one in 8000 kills was not intended to argue a point over the rarity of vouchers, but to state that they are ultra rare, and most players will never see one drop. My main point was that the ARC faction Badge vendors do not serve much of a purpose.

One point in that paragraph I made was that the Armor is far too expensive. And it is. If I am willing to pay a massive 50% MU to get good armor, there are many options.

Another point was referring to the imperial plate mission chain. They are great, yes, but with them being tied directly to ARC faction, and an almost point for point substitution being offered with the Gorgon plates, there should be an additional incentive/reward for players who spend the time it requires to reach the various badge threshholds. I do not feel there currently is one.

I do agree with the other point you made. I love Cyrene, and its creatures, the loot is pretty good, the epic mission chains are great, and the refurbished H.E.A.R.T. rank VI is fantastic.

But my entire society is based on Calypso. All my friends hunt on Calypso. Calypso has a much higher population, which makes it far easier to sell loot. Calypso has daily missions that reward tokens, and those tokens can be used to get weapons that are, compared to my guns, pretty good. There are a lot of factors that decide where I hunt, and, for me, personally, without the ARC faction badge vendors as an incentive to stay, the scale tips in favor of Calypso. I feel every opinion from players who have spent time on Cyrene is important, and the main reason for this second post is to clarify mine.

The original post was complaining about the high MU on the ARC armor, so I feel my comments are completely on topic when taken in the intended context.
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Cyrene Crusader
You Misunderstood the point I was making. The voucher drop rate was only brought up to bring into question: Why do the ARC vendors exsist? Sure, I worded it poorly because I am pretty emotional over seeing such a huge hit to Armor that used to be a great reward to dedicated Cyrene players. This was my statement, and I will bold what I intended my main point to be:

I never complained that I didnt get a voucher. My statement that I had not seen one in 8000 kills was not intended to argue a point over the rarity of vouchers, but to state that they are ultra rare, and most players will never see one drop. My main point was that the ARC faction Badge vendors do not serve much of a purpose.

One point in that paragraph I made was that the Armor is far too expensive. And it is. If I am willing to pay a massive 50% MU to get good armor, there are many options.

Another point was referring to the imperial plate mission chain. They are great, yes, but with them being tied directly to ARC faction, and an almost point for point substitution being offered with the Gorgon plates, there should be an additional incentive/reward for players who spend the time it requires to reach the various badge threshholds. I do not feel there currently is one.

I do agree with the other point you made. I love Cyrene, and its creatures, the loot is pretty good, the epic mission chains are great, and the refurbished H.E.A.R.T. rank VI is fantastic.

But my entire society is based on Calypso. All my friends hunt on Calypso. Calypso has a much higher population, which makes it far easier to sell loot. Calypso has daily missions that reward tokens, and those tokens can be used to get weapons that are, compared to my guns, pretty good. There are a lot of factors that decide where I hunt, and, for me, personally, without the ARC faction badge vendors as an incentive to stay, the scale tips in favor of Calypso. I feel every opinion from players who have spent time on Cyrene is important, and the main reason for this second post is to clarify mine.

The original post was complaining about the high MU on the ARC armor, so I feel my comments are completely on topic when taken in the intended context.

My apologies, I did misread your former comment (and I probably had a bad day as well lol). You make good points. We can heartily agree that the A.R.C Vendors must offer the broader mass of players some proper goodies to justify their existence. Cyrene team could start off by increasing L Voucher drops, and make the guns sell for tt price in shrap. That would certainly increase activity, and be more on par with the Calypso daily token rewards. (I know it's a bit unfair to demand this from the Cyrene team, since MA probably put their foot down on most healthy suggestion they bring forth).


New Member
This is probably a MA balance thing not a Cyrene dev thing. It's out of their hands I reckon.

Yea. I recently read a post from the Monria Owner (Eugenio "Anhithe" Wilde) about the relationship between Monria and Mindark. I know technically he is talking about Monria, but one would think it should apply equally to Cyrene as well. I will Post the relevant part of his letter. For Clarity, he is discussing mission based content on Monria:

A couple of other points to perhaps clarify how these things work:

• MindArk controls all aspects of balancing and loot. This is something that is not in my control at all and the mechanics are never shared with me. MA rightly decides how to balance loot, rewards and anything that is part of EU's secret sauce. I give my input, design plans, write missions, suggestions and feedback but anything to do with balancing is not something I have influence or control of. MindArk decides how best to implement my content plans.

Genuinely I feel I got the best deal that we could for this mission but I do understand that some of us may not feel it is worth the effort. This is a choice we make all the time in EU and the best I can do is to try to provide as many game play options as possible so we have these choices on Monria. I want to be honest though, I don't believe this mission will change unless MA decides that it should.

I dont want to de-rail the main topic of the OP, so I have only posted the part that I feel relates to the topic we are discussing.

I am not sure what the policy is for posting links to other websites, so I am hesitant to post a link to the original letter. If someone is interested in locating the original letter, message me and I can help you find it.

In any case this gave me a new understanding of why things are the way they are with the A.R.C. faction Vendors.
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Active Member
Anhithe is not a planet partner (for Monria). He makes suggestions and Mindark executes them. A planet partner is responsible for a lot more like for example graphic design. Monria can be run by a player, Cyrene cannot.


New Member
I didn't know Monria wasn't a planet partner. So Monria would be more like a....(Subsidiary maybe? kind of an extension of Calypso?).

Anyway, this is not the right place for a Monria discussion. For the sake of staying on topic I will move on. The main point for posting the letter was to say: Monria cannot implement their own items or loot. MA has to do it. Which made me wonder, how much control over items and loot does Cyrene have?

I do not know how the interconnected web of EU works, so any of this is merely speculation on my part. After reading that letter, I thought to myself, more than likely, to preserve game balance across the multiple planets, a single entity, MA in this case, would need to control all aspects of item implementation and looting.

So the question becomes, how much control over Item implementation does a full planet partner like Cyrene have? Can they change a weapon, for example, by altering its damage? Can they lower the prices on the A.R.C. Armor? Or would they need to request those changes through MA, and MA would need to be the ones to make the changes?

If they have to request changes to Items by submitting it through MA, then it implies MA does indeed have a significant level of control over what items are allowed to be in the game on the various planets.

Assuming MA does control all aspects of item implementation and looting across EU, there would be similar rules for everyone. All planets, regardless of whether they are run by one person or are a full planet partner, would have to submit any changes to items or loot through MA, who would have the final say in the matter. Again, this is merely speculation on my part.

If this is not the case and Cyrene has full control over the loot on their planet, then I will retract the above post entirely and my focus for the debate will shift significantly.
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
This is a more nuanced issue and there is a lot I can't go into detail about as it will get us into trouble.

We sympathize that there are players that were understandably upset by this change and we're actively pursuing different ways to get this armor in players hands.

In the interim of finding a more permanent solution, we are able to reduce the MU from the vendor from 150% down to 125%, still payable in shrapnel. When there’s more information about changes that we can share, going forward I’ll post them up here.

Stay safe out there:bye:


Active Member
125% is a lot less steep. While not resellable, buying armor at 125% for personal use isn't the end of the world.
I only have the stolen imperium which is 14, 14, 14 for cut, impact, stab and the commander is 21, 21, 21.
If I need a cheaper /better caly armor for imp/cut/stab, because the mob is a bit higher level, I need to go to auction and pay 6 ped transport per armor part.. or fly back. Then paying 125% could be an alternative.
Only 175 badges to go.


New Member
In the past there was a situation with some pieces of the patrol set in which an asshole hoarded all the caps and shins, and I remember that those pieces were sold at auction up to 250%.

What guarantees that this situation will not be repeated with the commander set considering that there are only 8 - 9 M&F sets in stock?

The fact that they can be exchanged for shrapnel makes them very easy to obtain and hoard, in my opinion they should be exchanged for a specific cyrene loot or for a cyrene craftable loot.
There are a lot of blueprints that use crystals and sweat in cyrene and if the initiates, patrol and commander sets were switched to that kind of loot that would boost the local trade in sweat and cyrene specific loot.

and they should have a weekly cd to avoid being bought all by one person
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
In the past there was a situation with some pieces of the patrol set in which an asshole hoarded all the caps and shins, and I remember that those pieces were sold at auction up to 250%.

What guarantees that this situation will not be repeated with the commander set considering that there are only 8 - 9 M&F sets in stock?

The fact that they can be exchanged for shrapnel makes them very easy to obtain and hoard, in my opinion they should be exchanged for a specific cyrene loot or for a cyrene craftable loot.
There are a lot of blueprints that use crystals and sweat in cyrene and if the initiates, patrol and commander sets were switched to that kind of loot that would boost the local trade in sweat and cyrene specific loot.

and they should have a weekly cd to avoid being bought all by one person

We are discussing several different ways internally about the best possible way forward, so its nice getting feedback like this from the community. :)


New Member
Nice work, 125% isn't bad at all, much more worth the effort it takes to get the badges. I am definitely more willing to put the work into climbing my way to 1200 badges (617 at the moment). Its a sad statement that some sort of safeguard has to be put in place to prevent players from buying all of one or two armor types, and selling them at crazy prices, thus ruining the reward of hitting 1200 badges for those who have reached that difficult plateau.

If players are given the option to sell these for a profit, then eventually someone will come along and buy every single piece of armor from the vendor. That's why I personally would be ok with making them non tradable and no value when sold, just like the badges.

In my opinion, the whole purpose of the reward vendors should be to reward players for their hard work and dedication to the planet of Cyrene, not to reward a small number of players who want to buy every piece of armor the vendor has just so they can make some PED.

That being said I will say thank you to the moderators/staff members for doing what you can to address this issue. The reduction in price to 125% is much appreciated for my part. Cyrene has always been my favorite planet, and now with the reduced price I won't be so reluctant to use my ARC Patrol armor.
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