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A.R.C. Faction Badges



since i came to Cyrene only recently (4 or 5 days ago) and now truly exploring this nice planet i have already finished ALL the "one time ARC missions for badges" and doing the 5+1 daily of course too. Problem is - i have 121 badges at this moment and it seems that untill reaching 200 i will be able to get only 6 per day. And then after that - only 11 per day.

This seems a bit slow to reach 500 for rank 2 (or 900 for rank 3...).

Is there ANY way to speed this up or its designed this way to reward loyal Cyrene settlers who came here earlier and (if thery were smart) were doing dailies each day?

Seems that there is no way to "catch up" or am i wrong?



Active Member
We settlers of Cyrene had to suffer through with only 3 dailies a day to reach 200 badges. Compared to that this is far easier. Maybe you'll catch up to me, I stopped after 500 badges. Not really feeling motivated enough to go for 900 atm.


There is also the possiblity to Summon creatures for badges, with a Summoning totem. They are abit bugged atm thou, not every killed creature gives a badge as intended
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