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A.R.C. Guardian parts exchange

If we took a look at our storages, we could probably put a couple more A.R.C. Guardian sets together by swapping parts ;)

Suggested trading principles:
  • the difference in TT value paid in PED;
  • markup ignored (it's based on few trades anyway).
Rats have:
  • harness (F), gloves (F), feet (F);
  • shins (M), arms (M), gloves (M)

Looking for feet (M) but will do random swaps to help others complete their sets.
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Well-Known Member
non proxy nonaware:

A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (M) 1 2.17 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (M) 1 0.72 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) 1 0.31 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) 1 0.29 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) 1 0.37 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) 1 0.22 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (M) 1 1.48 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (F) 1 0.78 PED STORAGE (Planet Cyrene )
A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (F) 1 0.28 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 0.28 PED STORAGE (Planet Cyrene )
A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 0.39 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 1.32 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Harness (M) 1 1.24 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (F) 1 0.41 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (F) 1 0.30 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (F) 1 0.63 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 0.40 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 1.04 PED STORAGE (Planet Cyrene )
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 0.28 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 0.31 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.38 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.85 PED STORAGE (Planet Cyrene )
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.32 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.25 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.29 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.31 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.25 PED CARRIED
A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (M) 1 3.35 PED STORAGE (Planet Cyrene )
A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (M) 1 1.61 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
Paneleon, even weak ones occasionally drop some parts. It is not known however if all parts are equally common.


Active Member
Female parts are like 95 percent of the drop. male is very rare. I have a locker full of F armor, only a few pieces of M

Female parts are like 95 percent of the drop. male is very rare. I have a locker full of F armor, only a few pieces of M

We checked our storages - since the beginning of time, we have looted 11 F and 9 M pieces (haven't bought or sold any, only swapped M for M).

If F parts were indeed 95%, the probability of such outcome would be...


~0.000000198 (that's cumulative probability - "11 or fewer").

Now, if you have harness (F), I offer any of my spare M parts for it. ;)


Active Member
Well since you put math up, I guess Im wrong, my 39 pieces in storage, with only 3 being male is just a mirage. This does not even include the handfulls I have TT'd just to get rid of them because I had so many of them already and the stuff really does not seem to sell. If I ever get back to cyrene Ill let you have the harness in storage.



Active Member
Sub-Zero The Killer
2 A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (F) 1 0.28 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
3 A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
4 A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) 1 0.78 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
5 A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) 1 0.53 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
6 A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
7 A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (M) 1 1.14 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
8 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (F) 1 0.29 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
9 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (F) 1 0.51 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1043)
10 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 1.11 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1043)
11 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 0.83 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
12 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
13 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 0.30 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
14 A.R.C. Guardian Hand Guards (M) 1 0.66 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
15 A.R.C. Guardian Harness (F) 1 0.87 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
16 A.R.C. Guardian Harness (M) 1 0.32 PED Spear MK. IV (L) (1195)
17 A.R.C. Guardian Harness (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
18 A.R.C. Guardian Harness (M) 1 0.52 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
19 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (F) 1 0.31 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
20 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (F) 1 0.45 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
21 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (F) 1 0.88 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
22 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 2.12 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
23 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 0.74 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
24 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 0.38 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
25 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
26 A.R.C. Guardian Helmet (M) 1 0.55 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
27 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 0.53 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
28 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 0.29 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
29 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 0.29 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
30 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 1.76 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
31 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 0.42 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
32 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (F) 1 1.26 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
33 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.29 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
34 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.60 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
35 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 1.20 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
36 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.90 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
37 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 0.60 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
38 A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
39 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.34 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
40 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.70 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
41 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 1.90 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
42 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.39 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
43 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.57 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
44 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.59 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
45 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F) 1 0.33 PED STORAGE (Calypso)
46 A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (M) 1 4.00 PED Pitbull Mk I (C,L) (1040)
Note: The ones FULL TT = Personal set that ain't for sale :)
Well since you put math up, I guess Im wrong, my 39 pieces in storage, with only 3 being male is just a mirage. This does not even include the handfulls I have TT'd just to get rid of them because I had so many of them already and the stuff really does not seem to sell. If I ever get back to cyrene Ill let you have the harness in storage.

Statistics doesn't really prove anything, "0.95 likelihood is good" is just a social convention :)

From what I've seen so far, drop rates of M/F might well be dependent on timezone - Europeans have about equal numbers while New World users get more F.

Heiko found her harness but I still have some spare M parts so we might be able to arrange some swaps.


New Member
Anyone still looking to trade?

I have A.R.C. Guardian Foot Guards (F) and A.R.C. Guardian Shin Guards (M)

Looking for A.R.C. Guardian Arm Guards (F) and A.R.C. Guardian Thigh Guards (F)

IGN: Kat Slamdance Sawyer
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Sandal San Tolk
1x Harness (M) and 1x Thigh Guards (M) to spare at the time of writing. TT + a little tip you're comfortable with, own set is complete.