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Bug Report A.R.C. HK Mold

Somebody has been looking for this for a few days because they want to make A.R.C. HK Scout weapon. What drops the molds? Where can he find them? Hes so complaining that he cannot get an account on the forum here because he never receives his confirmation email I'm posting this on his behalf. Anyone know where to find this item?

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
there is a vendor that sells them. I don't know the directions, but if you arrive at the Tahnok TP, head towards the summoning ring, and keep it on the left, there are some buildings farther past the summoning ring and the mold vendor is there by those building, if memory serves.

Sorry, am not in game currently.


Active Member
Searches give old posts that are pre-server reduction/BP-changes:
ie. hk scout and scorpion ap1 (200x A.R.C. HK Mold , 200x A.R.C. HK Mold)
Another example they say it used to be a rare loot from Imperium Vet (2014)
But mold isn't listed as loot for Imperium Scout, Grunt, Vet: (also not Imp. Officer/Pilot)

A.R.C. HK Scout (L) Blueprint (L)
No source listed to get A.R.C. HK Mold

I'll guess Molds are no longer available since those changes around 2014?
Hopefully someone can confirm otherwise.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I will take the time to go over the reports and let MA know about these drop rates, however this is an issue with crafting that I think needs the recipe changed to be truly resolved, something that we're working towards in the future.

When I have an update I'll post it here.



New Member
If that is the easier solution, please adjust the acid plate BP to only need one jellyworm leather, or even better, one Jellyworm HIDE. The drop rates on those are poor to rediculous as well.
Last edited:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey happy_hipster,

If that is the easier solution, please adjust the acid plate BP to only nee one jellyworm leather, or even better, one Jellyworm HIDE. The drop rates on those are poor to rediculous as well.

Thanks for your input about this, we will take it into consideration for any future changes to this recipe.



Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Sorry for kinda hijacking the thread...
If that is the easier solution, please adjust the acid plate BP to only need one jellyworm leather, or even better, one Jellyworm HIDE. The drop rates on those are poor to rediculous as well.
...but I second this. Drop rates of hides (in general) are too low. Some don't seem to drop at all, like Tree Dragon.

"Insatiable Hunger" completed - 221 Jellyworm textures, not even enough to texture one field.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Curd,

Sorry for kinda hijacking the thread...

...but I second this. Drop rates of hides (in general) are too low. Some don't seem to drop at all, like Tree Dragon.

"Insatiable Hunger" completed - 221 Jellyworm textures, not even enough to texture one field.

Thanks for this feedback, I'll see what we can do from our side.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey happy_hipster,

Any update? Do these drop yet, or just a bp with no mats like RT?

We've been wrestling with this with MA as it's difficult to change recipes and items already in the world.

The 1st problem with the drop rate is the hides are much too costly for the mobs, so we've got a 2 prong approach for the next PP VU:
- we'll be adding these hides to the Bile Jellyworms
- we'll be adjusting the loot parameters for them in different ways than before

We're talking about crafting a lot with MA and changing recipes is difficult, so we're going to try this approach before we attempt other changes.



New Member