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A.R.C. Inaugurates and Patrol armors



today i was thinking about the limited amount of the (L) armors at A.R.C. Vendors and came to conclusion that having limitation on numbers have two very bad aspects:
1) (natural aspect) some parts on armor set decay way faster than others - it is just game mechanics (usually Harness reaches minimum conditon first while on some parts having still over half TT). This will lead to situation when one part will be bought more often than others. With limits on the amount it will be out of stock first in line.
2) (artifical aspect) some mean player might want to make a prank or just piss off others by getting lots of shrapnel and buying ALL the armor parts (or even buying out one part only i.e. foots) and TT them right away. Cost of doing this is 1% on TT cycled so not that much really with curent amount of items in stock (or zero costs if he is TTing his shrapnel anyway).

Making unlimted amount of the armors in stock will solve those problems.

And before someone points out that he was doing the A.R.C. Badges fast to gain advantage and buy them from Vendors to sell them to players: with current situation you will not be able to do that if there is ONE player who buys out the parts as mentioned in point 2). If there will be unlimited amount you will still be able to sell the armors from higher ranks to players who dont have access yet to the Vendor but already want the armor (i.e. i bought Patrol (L) at 105% from one player this way).

I would like to know what Kris thinks about it and mayby know if it is possible or not to change this (i.e. MA does not alow this for some wierd reason). We already know its possible to set item amount to "unlimited" since its like that in the Lime Coats Token Vendor ;).


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Falagor,

We're working with MindArk to see about improving how these rewards are handled. When I do have more information I'll be sure to post it but for now it's still in the works.



Active Member
Kris: When you say 'working' with MA on something. Do you mean you sent them an e mail and are waiting for a reply (ie being ignored like many people experience) or is it an actual active conversation, maybe conference calls .. a dynamic thing really?

It just seems like there is an awful lot of 'we are working with MA' answers to questions, and not a heck of a lot of 'we got it fixed' answers. Sounds almost like a canned reply to a 'wtf' type question.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey sluggo,

Without going into too much detail:

is it an actual active conversation, maybe conference calls .. a dynamic thing really?

This =)

It just seems like there is an awful lot of 'we are working with MA' answers to questions, and not a heck of a lot of 'we got it fixed' answers. Sounds almost like a canned reply to a 'wtf' type question.

We do try and solve as much problems as we can, however, there are somethings that are our of our control (for example the current sync issue is causing a lot of problems still and it's something we're trying to get nailed down).

I hope this answers your question.



New Member
Hi Kris, is the unlimited armor everyone was talking about still available? If not, will the rank 3 armor be UL?


New Member
Hello Kris,
Do you have information regarding the availability of limited items in vendors ? Is there something planned to limit the number of available items per player instead of globally ? Or something else to prevent abuses ?

Thank you,


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Tanner,

Do you have information regarding the availability of limited items in vendors ? Is there something planned to limit the number of available items per player instead of globally ? Or something else to prevent abuses ?

We are working with MindArk about the Faction Rewards as a whole, and this is part of it, but I don't have anything to share on this yet, as soon as there is a clear direction we are heading in I'll be sure to let everyone know the heading.



Active Member
The Rank 3 armor is still being finalized with MindArk, when I have more information I will post it up.


well let me dream a bit and hope for a black 'ish version of this crazy good looking Stolen one< would be awesome,

if a suggestion can be made please take consideration of this Kris ^^


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Of course we listen to all player feedback here at Planet Cyrene and gear that looks great is something that we really strive for as well.
