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A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base Event! (cancelled)

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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
We are excited to announce the return of A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base event! Do you dare head the call!:goodbee:

Now also with:

– Team Instance
– Bosses
– Achievements
– Maturities:
—Gen 0 - lvl 8
—Gen 1/2 - lvl 17
—Gen 11 - lvl 105
—Gen 12 - lvl 120​
– Droplets: Refine 5 into 1 Pristine, these will only drop from A.R.C. Offensive Event, (normal pristines have been removed from the event instance and will continue to drop as they already do outside of the instance)
— Paneleon Droplet
— Tide Claw Droplet
— Stalkerbot Droplet
— Acidic Jelly Droplet
— Wiles Droplet
— Golem Droplet
— Byrd Droplet​

August 28th 2023 @05:00 game time - September 4th 2023 @05:00 game time

A.R.C. HQ /wp [Planet Cyrene, 138838, 77250, 101, Into Imperium Snow Base Waypoint]

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Aeolus,

Thanks my fault, I posted in this thread, and it should have been centralized here.

We did make sure the information was posted in Discord as well as in game for several hours after this posting to make sure everyone was aware.

I've taken the liberty to update the thread titles to have dates to make it more clear for me to keep the information in the relevant places.

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