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A.R.C. Offensive - Imperium Snow Base! (March 25 2023 - March 31 2023)

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New Member
Added some data to the wiki: http://www.entropiawiki.com/Info.aspx?chart=Mob&id=900

The raw data for the damage test is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gJ2rQDtBnw4td6c7Lg7aI6RK-pbTJUQY6hE6ivCKqrQ/edit?usp=sharing
(could have some more data points for the higher maturities but should work as orientation)

Damage types were often asked about in chat, this is not done yet.

Edit: Skill Juice added http://www.entropiawiki.com/Chart.aspx?chart=PersonalEffect

Let me know if there are any errors.
Did some testing on Gen 1's. Damage types are Acid/Cold/Electric/Impact.

Of the 45 max damage, Acid = 1, Cold = 6, Impact = 35 and Elec = 3

How this was calculated:
AP-6 Acid/Cold/Electric/Impact decayed while Burn/Cut/Penetration/Stab/Shrap did not

Perseus armor has no cold and damage ranged from 3-6.
Lion + 5D = 0-12
Lion + 5B = 3.5-7
Lion alone = 3.5-19

Lion + 5B = 35 impact protection and from Perseus we have 6 cold which leaves 1 for acid.
Lion + 5D = 23 impact/6 acid/12 cold protection = 0-12 damage, confirming 35 impact from 5B

1 acid + 6 cold +35 impact = 42, leaving 3 for electric.

Rough %'s Acid 2.22%, Cold 13.33%, Electric 6.7%, Impact 77.78%

Gen 2:
Acid = 3, Cold = 8, Impact = 40, Electric = 6

Perseus = 4-8 so 8 cold
Lion + 5D = 0-17 so 40 impact
Lion + 5B = 5.5 -16 so 5.5-4=1.5*2=3 acid
Lion = 5.5 - 28 (16+12[5B]=28)

3 acid + 8 cold + 40 impact = 51 leaving 6 for electric.

Rough %'s Acid 5.3%, Cold 14%, Impact 70%, Elec 10%

Gen 3:
Acid = 4, cold = 10, Impact = 45 and Electric = 10

retested the plates, no Burn/Cut/Pene/Shrap/Stab

Perseus = 5-10, sp 10 cold
Lion + 5B = 7-24
Lion + 5D = 0-22

5.8% acid, 14.5% cold, 65% impact, 14.5% elec.

Don't understand why the %'s keep changing so much...
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

The drops for the A.R.C. Offensive aren't going according to our plans, and while we've tried to remedy this situation with MindArk, it doesn't feel right to let it continue until we can resolve whatever is causing the issues.

We're all disappointed and frustrated by how this has turned out and are dedicated to making sure that when the event happens again it will be a better experience for all participants.

Thank you for your continued support and feedback, it helps guide our planets direction in a way that our players want to see.

When there is an update and more information we'll make sure that it's posted up for everyone to know what's next.



Sandal San Tolk
I'm sorry this keeps on happening to you guys. You design something nice, they approve it, and then it all collapses again. And not because someone at the far end trips over a cable, but because the agreed-upon line is choked right at the source. The longer we observe this pattern, the harder it gets not to believe that being a "planet partner" in this must be one of the most awkward business positions one can be in. If we get any official statement at all, I already know what it will sound like.

All the best :goodbee:
Let me post here the same suggestions I presented in the #cyrene chat yesterday:

1. Create a trader and add some kind of "token" loot to the mechas, just like calypso does in mayhem. Optionally make the trader request a small amount of cyrene resources along with the tokens to activate the local economy a bit. This option would still depend on Mindark managing token drops properly, so... I don't like it.

2. Create repeatable missions for the different instances, and reward a combination of juices as a reward (tougher instances = better juices). Mission progress to be directly linked to ped cycled or kill count (you decide).

And if that works you could consider opening the event for longer, or more times a year... honestly.

Btw this is not your fault, Mindark should have fixed the real problem years ago (loot waves).

Thanks for communicating with us, keep up the good work.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everyone,

After Shawna and myself had our meeting with MindArk, we all agreed it would be better to restart the A.R.C. Offensive after the VU.

We will be making some adjustments on our end as they will on theirs to give players a better overall experience.

Thank you for your patience, understanding and continued support.



Active Member
Let me post here the same suggestions I presented in the #cyrene chat yesterday:

1. Create a trader and add some kind of "token" loot to the mechas, just like calypso does in mayhem. Optionally make the trader request a small amount of cyrene resources along with the tokens to activate the local economy a bit. This option would still depend on Mindark managing token drops properly, so... I don't like it.

2. Create repeatable missions for the different instances, and reward a combination of juices as a reward (tougher instances = better juices). Mission progress to be directly linked to ped cycled or kill count (you decide).

And if that works you could consider opening the event for longer, or more times a year... honestly.

Btw this is not your fault, Mindark should have fixed the real problem years ago (loot waves).

Thanks for communicating with us, keep up the good work.

Cyrene is different and that's why I like it. We have the arc badges system in place, which creates loyalty and exclusivity. NO BADGES= No shot at the prices. Play on Cyrene = exclusivity in prizes. Tokenization like Calypso means the high rollers/event grinders get all the goodies and would be a reason for me to stop playing on Cyrene.
I like missions where you have an almost for sure ending like the refurbished fap, the epic mission chain prizes, neffs stim pack, etc etc. I dont mind the grind if it means you get rewarded. Tokens and rare tokens means you only can have a shot at a prize if you cycle a gazillion peds. AVOID at all cost.


Active Member
For the record please, when was it turned off?

... until we can resolve whatever is causing the issues.
Whenever you change a running system, stuff CAN go wrong. Who wrote the MA rule that things MUST go wrong?

Sing along?: When I was just a little dev, they let me loose on a game for you.
Will it have loot of the sort you enjoy? What will get stopped by day two?
Is it the new mobs or is it the loot, nobody seems to know.
Que sera, sera, droplets and juices no more. We'll fight the long battle, algos and waves, but all we've got now is snow!

Oh, and also on the comms side, why was not even the new event post itself updated? Thanks.

Edit: it seems it must have been the wave settings yet again, based on accounts by people who chanced it. How the ef this is still an issue is beyond me.
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
For the record please, when was it turned off?

Oh, and also on the comms side, why was not even the new event post itself updated? Thanks.

It was closed straight after Kris posted in the thread that we were closing it down until further notice. On 8/29/2023. It was also posted in our Discord as well.

It wasn't posted in the updated thread on accident.

To avoid this happening in the future, I'm going to start closing down certain old posts so updated information can always be shared in the appropriate place.
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