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A.R.C. Rank Vendor

IV Shadow

New Member
Hey, I came to Cyrene a few days ago. I'm just wondering if the A.R.C. ranked vendors are stocked, and if so, with what. Do UL weapons get stocked anymore? Is rank 3 the highest rank achievable right now?

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Yes ARC vendors are stocked, with UL atm and rank 3 is the highest

There was a change with the UL weapons where you need a ticket to buy one, these drop from Skyshatter and Mang but afaik no-one has looted one (due to loot 2.0 i assume)


Active Member
Yes ARC vendors are stocked, with UL atm and rank 3 is the highest

There was a change with the UL weapons where you need a ticket to buy one, these drop from Skyshatter and Mang but afaik no-one has looted one (due to loot 2.0 i assume)
I highly doubt because of loot 2.0, simply MA not released the weapons to the public yet, or super extremely rare.

Imo there should be an A.R.C super long epic mission with all stages for all ranks i.e one for rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 etc.
It should not require only killing creatures, but also looting certain items, which will give extra MU for hunters.
That way players can grind for the ticket. Instead of just lucky few. It will be completely deserved.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I highly doubt because of loot 2.0, simply MA not released the weapons to the public yet, or super extremely rare.

Imo there should be an A.R.C super long epic mission with all stages for all ranks i.e one for rank 1, rank 2, rank 3 etc.
It should not require only killing creatures, but also looting certain items, which will give extra MU for hunters.
That way players can grind for the ticket. Instead of just lucky few. It will be completely deserved.

Ive suggested in the past that all terminals are removed and each rank should have a daily instance (like ark smuggler) and the chests have a chance to loot either a UL or L gun or armor piece. the last system didn't benefit cyrene in the slightist, someone could give sweat until rank 1, import shrapnel from caly and buy a UL gun at cyrene's cost whilst cyrene earnt 0 from that player.
The current system is better as it requires looting a token and crafting cubes, but it makes the (L) gun insane MU now, plus its still shrap for armor


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately it will take a couple of years for the vouchers to appear.
MA loves to keep things broken on the less crowded planets.