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A storyline to be really involved in....?


New Member
Right now, I feel there is something lacking in the gameplay in Entropia - all I see is hunt mobs, mine, or craft either in a mission or not - and it's just not 'involving' enough.

I don't feel 'part' of any planet in particular, I don't feel as though there is anything around to make me say "I am part of this world, I am helping it develop and grow"

I keep hoping Arkadia will come up with something but so far, there's still just the hunt/mine/craft MA ped-fest.

The thing is, I don't mind paying, it's a game after all, but I want 'more' - not more loot, more items, not that kind of thing - I want to be part of a story - I'd even join an avatar army and go fight a war somewhere - but there's nothing like it.

So.......my question of Cyrene is......... what involvement can Cyrene offer me to make we want to stay and play/pay that the other planets cannot?

Lykke TheNun

Well-Known Member
Cyrene has a very extensive storyline already (not sure if you read MindStar9's Covert Operation stories, created together with the Cyrene Team HERE).

There will be plenty of possibilities to develop your own storyline on Cyrene as well - but the Universe in general is built up in a way for you to create your own background and history.

The history behind Cyrene is very comprehensive and you will notice that everything is connected, and nothing is created by a coincidence.

And on Cyrene the players activity will actually have an influence on the history of the planet.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Hi Adew ... thanks first for your inquiry about storyline, because I believe many within the community for years have been quite interested in being a part of an ongoing story related to a planet and its evolution.

As Lykke mentioned (thank you), I have a continuing "Covert Ops" storyline that is a collaboration between the developer and myself that incorporates "official" Cyrene storyline. Ed is very much a huge fan of storyline, fan fiction, and role-playing, and thus ... once the planet is launched, the Covert Ops storytelling will actually become part of our in-game role-playing events that will give rewards and perhaps a few surprises along the way, but ...

The events will not be just kill mobs and you're done with it. It's more detailed and will allow players to become involved in each of the series that will be written. Which means, that players will actually become a part of the Covert Ops (role-playing) storyline, and be written into the episodes, as well as become a part of a photo and video gallery.

The current Covert Ops "series" is about the Zekkonians, but there will be future series as well that will all be tied into revealing the mysteries and secrets about Cyrene, and the players will be a part of it in the form of game play. Prior to Cyrene launching, it's all been pure writing and revealing exclusive content that gives the community a glimpse of what Cyrene is all about, but going forward, it will be more immersive.

Also, the "official" Cyrene storyline is quite massive. As a member of the Cyrene Writing Team, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to what awaits the players. I can tell you that the planet and game-play will definitely be storyline-driven, not only through missions and quest lines, but in a variety of ways.

So my best advice would be ... stay tuned to Cyrene Forum for all the news and updates, and also check out the MindStar Radio website to see what we're offering there as well, because ... my partner (Syer) and I are very much involved with some special things that relate to Cyrene storyline, and one in particular that the developer will be involved with. It's going to be something totally different that involves podcasts.

I hope this information helps, but if you have any further questions, please do let us know. :)


New Member
Thanks MS9 and Lykke - I will keep my (insert anatomy part here) crossed that my immersion becomes more complete!