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Accuracy enhancers not working on Cyrene guns?


New Member
Hi Everyone.

I got the question related to Acc enhancers on cyrene guns.

Got maxed Ecotron v.26b Prototype(HA/CA 10/10)

Maxed guns give you 2% to critical.
Im using ares improved which is giving you 0,6% to critical

And now: using hunting program Im count every critical hit and in longer runs it is like 2,52% and it is correct because 2%+0,6% gives you score close to this what I measure.

Ive started tests with accu enhancers. When you put it on first slot it is changing yours CA from 10/10 to 12/10 according to informations from gun tab. So it should change yours crit ability by 0,4%( 10/10 =2% ---- 12/10= 2,4%) but

On hunt I measure same crit amount like on maxed gun + ares imp(2,52%).

Can someone confirm that acc enh are working on cyrene guns?

Thanks in advance
One needs quite big samples to estimate small probabilities accurately.

For example, if you do 10000 shots and the probability of a crit is 2.6%, then...


yields 0.109217222, which means there is ~10.9% cumulative probability for this test to end with 240 or fewer crits.

You can try using BINOMDIST to estimate how unlikely your results are (although IIRC at least in OpenOffice that function is somewhat limited in how large number of trials it can take).


New Member
Yeah I will try to run some test today and next few days when I will have some more time but as you see:

max gun 2%
ares imp 0,6%

gives you 2,6% and in my test 2,52% which is pretty ok

Max gun 2%
ares imp 0,6%
Accuracy enhancer 0,4%

gives you 3% and in my test 2,52 which is not ok ;)

Edit: Can admin put that in right channel? I think I create it in wrong one.