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Active Hunters


New Member
Hello! im planning to make cyrene my home :D

Im wondering if any other hunters are up for team hunts or just becomeing friends for random talk :)

ty // Wallfie


New Member
Welcome to planet Cyrene.

Hello Walfgun... I will hunt with you once I return to Cyrene after awhile.


Pro Miner
Sounds way out of my league lol. There are others who frequent the forums that do higher end mobs with better gear.. you'll notice them on globals.


Active Member
Heya Walfgun! I'll hunt with ya m8. I have considerably lower gear but can get around ok. Mmm... Sentinel and Imp Fap... the perfect meat shield! :p

Feel free to add me in-game. Maybe we can run some higher HP stuff some time. The Alpha Tide Claws at 7k hp have GOT to ATH sooner or later!

I usually just sport my Viceroy/5B, EP-54/LC-60/LC-240 with UR125 or SK-80. You're welcome to team with Thoth and I anytime as well.

Feel free to add me...

Rob Menace Klok