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Wish List Add screens in terminal centers


Travelling through time...
Currently only add screens on Cyrene are located at x101 Supply Depot near terminals. Since Cyrene is changing with every VU, this place is not the main meeting place for players anymore therefore it is not efficient to put adds. Some of the players don't even know these things exist on Cyrene.

I'm suggesting to put add screens in every terminal center all around Cyrene. Just like on Calypso, when you enter the center, there is a screen right in front of the entrance on both sides. It could be the same on Cyrene, there could be one add screen in front of each entrance into terminal building. An example is in the picture below.


Would like to know other player thoughts about this. Also a word from Kris if we could get something like this.
That placement is not good, most people would see the screen only for a fraction of a second.

On other planets, ad screens are often placed above auctioneers/auction terminals. That's where people stand still for a prolonged periods of time without going afk. Not sure how it would work in a Cyrean service center though as the building is very small.

Now that I think of where I've seen people standing and waiting... how about placing ad screens above NPCs/terminals handing out daily missions? ;)


Travelling through time...
Now that I think of where I've seen people standing and waiting... how about placing ad screens above NPCs/terminals handing out daily missions? ;)

Cyrene could be the first planet to introduce NPC thought bubbles - put an add in it and everyone would see it when accessing it :topsecret:

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
You can't even make ads without an estate on the planet so it doesn't matter until booths and apartments etc are out.


Travelling through time...
You can't even make ads without an estate on the planet so it doesn't matter until booths and apartments etc are out.
I'm sure that it is possible to place adds on Cyrene by owning other planet estates because some time ago someone put an add there once. Maybe the rules were changed by then?

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
I tested just a week ago, well not on purpose forgot my deed. You do need one to make an ad, and have for at least 2 years, I can't say more than that I wasn't here. Not sure how one was made before if it was, perhaps it was by a staff member. Otherwise you would see ads for website like EP and pedtoclick on Cyrene, there are universal ad campaigns for both sites. (I've tried to pay pedtoclick ads on Cyrene a few times and own deeds on several planets for this purpose, when in storage I can't make ads they must be in my inventory.)