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All Bets on 13th of March Release Date ???


Well-Known Member
After speaking to my Planet Partner contacts this evening , at 9.00MA time today Mindark has confirmed there 'Once a Month' content release window for March, looks like a big Planet Partner content update .. Seems alot is happening on this day..Could it be Cyrene, and whoever guessed Tuesday March 13th on the competition im sure would be excited. Seems all planets will have an update that day, could it be that these big updates co-incide a possible new planet arrival

We shall see, otherwise Cyrene will be released in April going by MAs once a month content windows since VU12.

Exciting Times Folks


New Member
Nice, thought i was the only one guessing on mars 13th, but now i see 2 more have been added to same date :p
Yep, David Dobson was chatting on Arkadia yesterday and revealed that there's a lot of content planned for that update as well... Maybe Mindark plans certain updates as major PP updates, some as platform updates? IF Cyrene does come out then, I'll be torn.... to stay on Ark and hunt the new mobs or visit Cyrene?

Well... let's just hope space isn't bugged that day so I can do both!


Im pretty sure NI has content planned for that date as well.

So much to do, so little time(and ped) to do it :/



Tony Pendragon

New Member
I pray to Lootius that 13th March is the date so that I can walk among ruins and desolation of Cyrene with hundres of other hopefull colinsts trying to make a start on their new home.


Active Member
I sure hope this is the date..but then again, hope not since Next Island is planned to have yet another big release.


Well-Known Member
By the silence from the Cyrene staff regarding any update on the release date.. now that there is only 10 days left until the Planet Partner March Update , I have doubts that Cyrene will be launched before the end of the 1st Quarter. So obviously we may have more time to save our deposits for another month, Since over the past 9 months Mindark have only had 1 Planet Partner update per month, and I strongly believe if there was no announcement this week, maybe we will have to wait for the April Update for the launch of Cyrene.

From monday it will be 8 days to go and im sure the Cyrene team would not announce the launch with only just over a week to go.

- I hope im wrong and it does come out March 13 or may delay the update 24-48 hours till 14th or 15th (they have done that in the past..ie November 2011 update got delayed 2 days), but its looking more likely we wont see Cyrene until the 2nd Quarter 2012 , with no official trailer released yet nor press release of announcement of launch.


New Member
Just speculation and name-dropping fanboy crap here so far especially Neil (ohh lets get a shameless plug in wherever I can) Stockton.

Dont hold your breath and I would advise don't expect too much. You will therefore not be so disappointed. ;)