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Android app - Entropia Information


New Member
A new app in the Google Play store called Entropia Information. It takes data from entropedia.info and presents it in the app. It needs more work. Please send suggestions to the developer via email.


New Member
There is a new update for this Free Android app. The latest version now has screens for showing details of Weapons and Materials. These are linked to the Creature Loots screen and the main lists for Weapons and Materials. The update has also added an import for Blueprint Materials.

Find the app in the Google Play app store for Android apps.


New Member
Two releases for this app recently. Information on armour and weapon enhancers, more links between items, and refining details of materials has been added.

This is for any Android device - find it in the Google Play app store.


New Member
A new version of this app was released today which includes Mindforce Implants in the Tools download. So now, if a mob has an implant listed in its loot (such as the Mulholland Boys) then the implant details can be viewed.

Instances have been split into their own area. So far this just has the Arkadia instances listed. In entropedia Instances are listed in with creatures, because the instance itself provides loot, but they really need their own area.

Also in this release, the lists of creatures that drop an item now have the planet included in the list, so you can search by planet.

e.g. In the Materials list, tap on Advanced Mineral Extractor, then go to the "Loots from" tab, then search for "Next". This will show you all creatures on Next Island that drop the extractor.

And remember - the information in the app comes from the entropedia wiki site - so keep updating that site with your latest Entropia Universe finds and information.


New Member
Another update has gone out today.

Skills and Ranks have been added for information. The Skills list is dynamic. Initially the Skills list shows all Skills, but if you select a Skill it shows Professions to which the Skill contributes, then if you select a Profession you are shown the Skills that contribute to the Profession.

A bug fix was applied to sort out the problem on the vehicle details which ere showing ? for Custom Colours. It now correctly shows Yes or No.

Also added a button on the missions detail screen, so if a mission gives a weapon as a reward, the button will link to the weapon details.


New Member
A new release today. Images have been added on most types of item. The images are loaded from the entropedia web site, so if you do not have a network connection then the images tabs are not shown. Images are not shown for Blueprints of Enhancers because they all look very similar, and are a bit boring to look at!

Also made a small improvement on the Weapon Attachments, Finder Amplifiers and Armour Plating blueprints screens so that a button is displayed to link to the relevant item.