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Any news about login problem?


It has been nearly a week now, and the last post from MA support was the 12th. Granted, the virus report many got was a false positive... but the curent issue is a filesize error, which continues to prevent loading the client loader, ( see the attatched screenshot ). Has anyone heard anything about a fix?


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Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I'm not sure if this helps Iceflame, since your antivirus is gettign a false positive I highly recommend you adding exception into the firewall/antivirus to run EU then run EU installer as Admin then attempting to re-patch eu client. Please note im saying this as player to player so risk is all yours.


Yeah, I understand. Think is, it isn't even getting to the point where it would even detect a virus, now... this is a whole other issue. the client loader starts downloading.. manages around 14k of data then hits a Filesize error.... that is.. the package is MUCH smaller than it claims to be. This needs for MA to fix it... not something the player can fix at home.
Thanks for trying, though.