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DME | Virtualsense

Having Major Fun
Buy a mothership and that'll change. At least it worked for monria...

I'm going to jump in here because that's an unfair comment. Ant had his mothership (Yamato) long before he bought Monria. We also are not a planet and have a different agreement with MindArk which allows us to play our avatars and interact with the full universe while we are actually building a Moon community.

There is a big distinction between Planet Partners and the agreement Monria has with MindArk, and the Planet Partner agreements are more restrictive. Having a mothership or any other mode of space transportation won't change the restriction for Planet Partners, but Kris can weigh in on this to verify what I have shared, or add his own comments.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This thread is getting a bit off topic and not really about apartments anymore. Plus it's super old and I'm not a professional necromancer, only an amateur one, so I don't have the power to deal with it =P

The super short end of thread answer to apartments is that they aren't, nor never have, been off the radar but there are other more pressing matters that we want to make sure are fully addressed first before we do any sort of player housing. Rest assured that it's coming in the future.

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