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ARC 2 vendor armor (L)


New Member
Hello everyone!

I'd like to know what's the tt value of an armor (L) part from ARC 2 vendor, and the final price in shrapnel.

I'm shocked because I've just entered ARC 1 and realized that each (L) armor part from vendor 1 has tt value 28 ped and needs 35 ped shrapnel! (125%)? :HellNo:

Thx in advance


Active Member
i was so shocked that it became less and less interested to get into the HUB, al armors are 125%, pointless to purchase them since better armor parts are sold for less.

once again here the solution was to increase the costs for something that supposed to be for personal use and not a way to make a business out of it, that is why the price is so spicy, and brings up once again the bond item solution,

so the HUB reward was meant to give ppl who have reached a number pf badges a way of supporting their hunting on cyrene, and only that, at a cost of tt base ( even if the tt was a mixt of shrapnel + regular cyrenean loot )

this rewarding at base is the way of PP/MA showing/saying they appreciate the dedication of native players.

now is just a useless feature cause no1 is converting materials+shrap into armor parts.


New Member
i was so shocked that it became less and less interested to get into the HUB, al armors are 125%, pointless to purchase them since better armor parts are sold for less.

once again here the solution was to increase the costs for something that supposed to be for personal use and not a way to make a business out of it, that is why the price is so spicy, and brings up once again the bond item solution,

so the HUB reward was meant to give ppl who have reached a number pf badges a way of supporting their hunting on cyrene, and only that, at a cost of tt base ( even if the tt was a mixt of shrapnel + regular cyrenean loot )

this rewarding at base is the way of PP/MA showing/saying they appreciate the dedication of native players.

now is just a useless feature cause no1 is converting materials+shrap into armor parts.

I agree

If MA/Devs don't want people trade the armors (L), could be fixed soul bound, as the cdf (L) guns in Calypso.
I'm very annoyed because here I'm hunting for pristines and badges so I thought the ARC armors (L) whould be a nice bonus for the hunters (buying them at tt value with shrapnel)...

We aren't all resellers pls MA or Devs pls reconsider it. Soul bound would be a nice solution...


New Member
There is a thread about the ARC vendor armours here Bug Report - A.R.C. Commander (L) Armor Vendor | CyreneForum. Nobody is happy about the armour. Literally, Nobody. Not us, not the Cyrene Devs, nobody.

As far as I am aware this nerf comes from MA and it is complicated and time consuming to get changed.

I will let you read the posts in the above link to see the entire discussion, but those armours used to be 150% of TT value if you can believe that.
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Sandal San Tolk
How about offering both alternatives: A tradable version with 125% or whatever price tag, and a non-tradable one for 100%. Then let the takers decide, not the complainers, because in any such controversy, nobody knows how large the silent majority really is.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
How about offering both alternatives: A tradable version with 125% or whatever price tag, and a non-tradable one for 100%. Then let the takers decide, not the complainers, because in any such controversy, nobody knows how large the silent majority really is.

I'm going to seriously look into seeing if this is something that we can do. That being said I don't know if there will be any issues with it but I think it's more than worth trying.