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Are Devastator Sea Wraith really considered N00b mobs?


Just an observation:

Devastator Sea Wraith seem to count for the Ultimate N00b Challenge! mission.

In fact all of the Sea Wraith east of Hive's Edge TP seem to count.
(At least, Ravager, Devastator and Hunter do.)

This took a while to figure out. There was a discrepancy in my noob mission kill count. My counter was rising, yet I rarely hunt the noob mission mobs. Finally, I put 2 + 2 together (or 5+5 together) and watched the counter rise as I did the Sea Wraith Daily.

I can retest tomorrow, perhaps in the Ice Plateau spawn.

If you wish to leave this behavior (counting for the extra mission), you have my full support.

Now, I must recall if the loot tables are the same.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
yea I think its a bug, but its always existed. All sea wraiths count to noob mission, and all noob sea wraiths count to sea wraith iron (unlike mangs, rhinos, weeds)