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Area's, Missions, Items, Mobs yet to be unlocked or missing ?


Well-Known Member
This thread will keep track of all the Area's , Missions, Mobs and Items missing or yet to be unlocked. I'll start then the rest of the community can continue at there will, creativity from storylines also welcome (might get the Developers Attention lol..)

*1000 Dire Weed Challenge (rumored to be unlocked but unconfirmed)
*1000 Swamp Lurker Challenge
*Fergusons NPC Blueprints
*Imperium Token Blueprint Vendors
*Zyn'Kimbos Token Reward Vendors
*Zyn'Kimbo Token Blueprint Vendor
*Sons Of Remus Sentinel
*Plains SkyShatter Robot (natural spawn)
*Zil'Zik Leader
*Giant Drill Bots
*High Grade Power Supply
*Medium Grade Power Supply
*Floating Islands (Zekkonian Royals)
*Scrap Metal
*Dust Devil

thats my starting contribution now its your turn :)



Well-Known Member
What are these and how do you know there should be something like this? o_O

Pyramid Area


other 2 are from concept design and storylines, no screenshots as of yet.

"I did say creativity from storylines also welcome"


Well-Known Member
Some people have said the 1000 dire weed challenge is working now , I cannot confirm this yet cause it still does not work for me yet.. Someone said you have to unlock the 500 crystal pede to do it, but ive done that and still nothing.. will update if anything changes.


New Member
I completed the 500 crystal pede mission yesterday but the mission broker wouldn't interact me.(couldn't turn it in) Any one else experience that?