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Armor: A.R.C. Elite


Active Member
What happen to Armor: A.R.C. Elite full set, in all these years only foot droped, not single other parts, will armor parts ever be able to drop again, what the future or crafted,looted armors on cyrene, i saw next island got evry update new crafted looted armor and cyrene havent got anything for years on armor side

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey bella,
What happen to Armor: A.R.C. Elite full set, in all these years only foot droped, not single other parts, will armor parts ever be able to drop again,

This is kind of a strange case, we're looking into the other pieces of the A.R.C. Elite and what the bottle neck is, there are several items on the radar but we've got to work with MA on it as Cyrene is only part of the equation.

what the future or crafted,looted armors on cyrene, i saw next island got evry update new crafted looted armor and cyrene havent got anything for years on armor side

Part of what we plan to show over the summer will have some armor rewards, and working with the balancing to not only create new, useful armors for Planet Cyrene, but potentially bring back armors from the past, as well as armors that were created years ago that haven't be released onto live servers.



Active Member
Cool always wanted to get that armor full set, and maybe some event prize in future , players submit armor design and cyrene team add it ingame