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Bug Report Armor Molds (Not Able To Trade)


Active Member
I'm rather upset at the moment, so I'll try not to rant.. but here's the issue.

Because of the 2hr limit between getting token rewards, I decided to call in a friend to get me another armor mold piece. Cuz, waiting 2hrs (or 4 even for multiple crafts) between crafting armors is ridiculous... And once he has the token, we find it that it cannot be traded. Cannot be put on auction, and cannot be placed on the ground... What, in the wide world of sense, does this make in a game where EVERYTHING has a value? Especially when the Creative Director himself has mentioned intentions behind the token system and MU of items to help drive the economy.

Aside from that, the biggest part that peeves me, is that there's nothing saying that it's not tradeable. So how many people are going to waste tokens and get stuck with things they can't/won't do anything with?

So, what are my options here? Can I get this transferred off the other guy, can I get a refund, or do I have to just eat the cost of that armor mold, 10 tokens, or roughly ~5ped at current market value, which is what I paid for it....

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hello Rathius,

No the armor molds are not tradeable >< ,
but we will try and make this right for you.
and right with everyone else too? I hope.. I too have molds that I can not do anything with. Seems the easy fix is to just make them a tradable item. I never really understood why items would not be tradable as Rathius has said "in a game where EVERYTHING has a value" I notice this long ago and have held on to mine for a while now. I kinda figured that this would be fixed when VU update came. So my question is this: Is this going to be fixed or will molds always be untradable? I would have never cashed in for a mold if I had known I could do nothing with :(


Active Member
Okay, thank you. But is there someone I need to talk with, how's this going to be done...? I wouldn't be so impatient about it, but it does involve real money.

Just like if the coke machine takes my 50 cents, I don't just shrug it off and walk away, I either get my product, or my money.
Okay, thank you. But is there someone I need to talk with, how's this going to be done...? I wouldn't be so impatient about it, but it does involve real money.

Just like if the coke machine takes my 50 cents, I don't just shrug it off and walk away, I either get my product, or my money.
:cool: just saying.. not sure I care that much, although money is money.
I dont bother with the molds simply because of that particular reason; untradeable. Maybe I will see another reason to buy them later after the full release. :shots:

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
The molds will be made tradable for the mini patch coming on Tuesday. Originally they where intended to not be tradable (keep the amount small) but, seeing as this has caused issues we have decided to let them be traded by the players. We hope this is a positive solution for the players and thank you for the great feedback that allows us to make the changes you feel will make Cyrene a better Planet.