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Selling Armors, Weapons, and other stuff - Gonna update it daily


Fate Thanatos Themis
Hi there,

this gonna be my selling thread here on Cyrene. I will keep it updated, so take a look here from time to time plz.

Send offers via pm here or in game.

I can be a task hunter also, so if u need something that drops on Cyrene, let me know, i can supply u with it for the price we agree.

Armor sets:

- Goblin set, f - full tt+65 (t0:all)
- Knight set, f - full tt+160 (t0:foot t1: face,harness,thigh,gloves,arms,shins)
- Rascal set, f - full tt+80 (t1:all)
- Vigilante set, f - full tt+180 (t0:gloves,thigh,foot t1:helmet,harness,arms,shin)
- Kobold set, f - low tt+55 (t0:all)

Random armor parts:

pixie (f) - tt+2: shin, arms, harness, foot
pixie (m) - tt+4: shin, harness
hunter MentorE (f) - tt+5: gloves, face x2

Im looking for Jaguar parts (f): helmet, gloves and shins.


Chikara Vamachara Mk.II (L) full tt (3.20) - 6 ped
Omegatron M2725 MentorE - full tt+ 5 ped
AAP Series Brave MentorE - full tt+30 ped


Omegatron Fast Aid FAP-35 - low tt+5 ped (x2)


Lancering Attack Chip I (L) - full tt (5,5ped) - 10 ped (x6)
Lancering Attack Chip II (L) - full tt (8ped) - 12 ped (x3)

Teleport Chip I - minimal tt + 5ped - sold


Tier Components @ Caly MU


well i got lots of low lev caly BP, so name what ur looking for in pm, ill sell u that if i have ofc for
1bp - 1ped,
3bp - 2 ped,
5bp - 3ped,


brain oil @125% - 500tt


random values 10-15ped tt @650% none atm, - x 3

i also got lots of other things, if ur looking for something particular, let me know.


Fate Thanatos Themis
Armor sets:

- Goblin set, f - full tt+65 (t0:all)
- Knight set, f - full tt+160 (t0:foot t1: face,harness,thigh,gloves,arms,shins)
- Rascal set, f - full tt+80 (t1:all)
- Vigilante set, f - full tt+180 (t0:gloves,thigh,foot t1:helmet,harness,arms,shin)
- Kobold set, f - low tt+55 (t0:all)

Random armor parts:

pixie (f) - tt+2: shin, arms, harness, foot
hunter MentorE (f) - tt+5: gloves, face x2

Im looking for Jaguar parts (f): helmet, gloves.


Chikara Vamachara Mk.II (L) full tt (3.20) - 6 ped
Omegatron M2725 MentorE - full tt+ 5 ped
AAP Series Brave MentorE - full tt+30 ped
Hermans ARK10 full tt - 4 ped


Omegatron Fast Aid FAP-35 - low tt+5 ped (x2)
T20s - @120%


Lancering Attack Chip I (L) - full tt (5,5ped) - 10 ped (x6)
Lancering Attack Chip II (L) - full tt (8ped) - 12 ped (x3)


Tier Components @ Caly MU


well i got lots of low lev caly BP, so name what ur looking for in pm, ill sell u that if i have ofc for
1bp - 1ped,
3bp - 2 ped,
5bp - 3ped,

Cyrenes BP are mostly for 5ped each, except some like bonding liquid, lysterium cont and acid coating


many on demand, mostly below cyrenes mu


random values 10-25ped tt @650% x 3

i also got lots of other things, if ur looking for something particular, let me know.


New Member
Hey Thanatos, I may be interested in a couple of the items. I can't figure out how to send you a PM through the forums, so I'll look you up in-game.


Fate Thanatos Themis
alright :) if u want to sent pm here, u got to click some's name and pick "start conversation" option in the popup


Fate Thanatos Themis
Armor sets:

- Goblin set, f - full tt+65 (t0:all)
- Knight set, f - full tt+160 (t0:foot t1: face,harness,thigh,gloves,arms,shins)
- Rascal set, f - full tt+80 (t1:all)
- Vigilante set, f - full tt+180 (t0:gloves,thigh,foot t1:helmet,harness,arms,shin) - SOLD
- Kobold set, f - low tt+55 (t0:all)

Random armor parts:

pixie (f) - tt+2: shin, arms, harness, foot
hunter MentorE (f) - tt+5: gloves, face x2

Im looking for Jaguar parts (f): helmet, gloves.


Chikara Vamachara Mk.II (L) full tt (3.20) - 6 ped
Omegatron M2725 MentorE - full tt+ 5 ped
AAP Series Brave MentorE - full tt+30 ped
Hermans ARK10 full tt - 4 ped


Omegatron Fast Aid FAP-35 - low tt+5 ped (x2)
T20s - @120%


Lancering Attack Chip I (L) - full tt (5,5ped) - 10 ped (x6)
Lancering Attack Chip II (L) - full tt (8ped) - 12 ped (x3)


Tier Components @ Caly MU


well i got lots of low lev caly BP, so name what ur looking for in pm, ill sell u that if i have ofc for
1bp - 1ped,
3bp - 2 ped,
5bp - 3ped,

Cyrenes BP are mostly for 5ped each, except some like bonding liquid, lysterium cont and acid coating


many on demand, mostly below cyrenes mu


random values 10-25ped tt @650% x 3

i also got lots of other things, if ur looking for something particular, let me know.
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