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Bug Report August 30th, 2022 Official VU Bug Thread

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
:badbee:Please use this thread to post any bugs from the August 30th,2022 VU :badbee:

Known Bugs:

  • Mission:
    • Tanhok Decorator Bur'kys- Hunter's Decoration Blueprints : The mission text says Deviant Jellyworm it should read Variant Jellyworm.
  • Mobs:
    • Mature Flesh Rippers level is incorrect and will be adjusted back to normal.


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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
The Mission Pet Crafting: Tamer Horns Blueprint now not show how many items left need for craft... only when finish
Due to the changes in how the mission tracks crafting, you will now have 6 objectives instead of 3, which is why you can't see them due to you having this mission prior to the VU.

If players haven't progressed then they should abandon and reacquire this mission.
If players have progress (you've crafted some already) the crafting IS still being counted, but the counter is not shown.

In Esther Missions, the BP (L) show 1 only attempt... I remember in the past was 10 attemps?
Due to the limitations in how items can be displayed in missions, it shows the lowest value of Limited blueprints (in this case 1 PEC). When the mission is turned in the blueprint will have a 1 PED value.

The 5º TP in new Ngu Volcano not return...
This will be fixed in the mini patch.
Due to the changes in how the mission tracks crafting, you will now have 6 objectives instead of 3, which is why you can't see them due to you having this mission prior to the VU.

If players haven't progressed then they should abandon and reacquire this mission.
If players have progress (you've crafted some already) the crafting IS still being counted, but the counter is not shown.

well... and what do i do? abandon and lost my progress? do more craft and i dont see results? in next bug fixes ill see my actual results and the new objectives?

and... why this change in the rules now? maybe now can be so expensive and i dont want to do, but the progress? is not a good solution... :(

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Dante,

well... and what do i do? abandon and lost my progress? do more craft and i dont see results? in next bug fixes ill see my actual results and the new objectives?

If you have progress, do NOT abandon the mission!

For now, just keep on crafting them, they DO COUNT for the mission, however the counter is not shown do to how the mission was rebuilt, but your progress is being counted.

and... why this change in the rules now? maybe now can be so expensive and i dont want to do, but the progress? is not a good solution... :(

So it was a bug report basically, players were saying and showing the counter continuing to count up after the mission was finished, so we adjusted to once you crafted the set amount the counter was not show and it was fully marked as completed.

While I do empathize with the issue with this mission being in progress and not seeing the counters, since it was a repeatable mission we wanted to make sure that it was cleaner for all players in the future.

This should be the last time this mission is confusing because the next time you take it should work as intended, just a pain point in this transition phase.



Redux BP book says "this book is full" when trying to put more bp into it. Apparently it had a cap before they added all of the new bp, and it is pretty easy to reach if you buy all of the armor bp from the hub.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Redux BP book says "this book is full" when trying to put more bp into it. Apparently it had a cap before they added all of the new bp, and it is pretty easy to reach if you buy all of the armor bp from the hub.
Thank you, fix should go through with the mini patch.


Active Member
Toa'quak Hide and Seek cannot be finished because the Lost Zyn Piece #5 is hidden into the texture somewhere below ( probably after remodeling the place for big monster jelly ).

I went at the place where's located to complete the last piece of the seek to get the bp for the daily and i could not find it. I need that bp to make my daily's pls.


New Member
Seems there is a bug with dire weeds making them unlootable.

When killing the small ones in mass on the island where all the small mobs dropping synthetic rubber are. Some of the dire weeds disappear when killed when you are in looting range. They then reappear when you move away and disappear when getting close again. Even with an auto loot pill they still can't be looted.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Toa'quak Hide and Seek cannot be finished because the Lost Zyn Piece #5 is hidden into the texture somewhere below ( probably after remodeling the place for big monster jelly ).

I went at the place where's located to complete the last piece of the seek to get the bp for the daily and i could not find it. I need that bp to make my daily's pls.
This will be fixed in the mini.


Active Member
ok i need to add this to the pile,

i m a constant hunter of Byg Byrds and i have some thoughts regarding the AI of this mob

first of all the wide radius of the movements is way way to big, and i mean big enough to lose a 99% killed bird by drowning into water, and this came to my attention after i lost 3 birds falling down the slope to the outpost side and killed by turret and started to complain around and finding that 2 ppl lost they bird all most killed ( 1% HP left to be killed ) drowned.

the point is this issue was addressed by me while ago when i tried to camp the byrds spawned around xmas, and i said back then that the radius intertwine and no matter if u chose to hunt a lower lvl u end up ganked by the higher level because they fly way way to wide,

this is not playing, is anything else, struggling included, and when i say this i put here others thoughts, because i can deal 95% of the criticals but others dont and after u find yourself laying down in the grass ...and here if u are alone in the spawn to be clear this too... by the time u get back the mob could decide to fly the friggin away beyond your radar range. far far beyond in the middle of the spawn that is compact at the edge of the AI radius.... and more to it other birds decide to start flying mindless and totally random, and not once i had to die on purpose to avoid keeping 2 birds on me....again is not playing is struggling

well if u somehow find yourself in the radar range of other hunters... the the shit show starts to get live, and u cannot stay safe anymore because all birds fly randomly beyond your safe spot... and is no safe spot beside to the middle of the friggin nowhere 500m away from the center of this spawn, and is no such place

the point here is i like the way the birds act and the randomness of the movement, but this radius needs to be150m top, that means a 250-300m diameter a spawn that is large enough to make u get inside and pull one mob if u chose to hunt them, if other hunter decide to join on the other side will give safe distance from the edge of the movement radius, and beside this is no regular weapon in this game to tag above 200m other then the case when u owe a portable turret...

the height of the flying AI of the bird makes them keep this height even if they reach the water, where everyone knows a mob drowns after a few seconds.

this issue will be more preeminent when xmas will arive, and is going to be an issue.

this situation is similar to the jellyworms ...u know the one called monstrously? yeah that one, u dont want to try them 2 ppl opposite sides

oh and the MECH ROOT, did anyone tried to find one lost...i mean lost by himselfinsane, and i think all mechs does this at a certain %, u cannot hunt a lower lvl safe withouth getting other lvls into spown after a certain period of time


l.e. please move this post to the ""bug report" thread, by mistake i wrote here where's not the place, ty
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Active Member
to Caleb,

please Caleb fix your damn request regarding refurbished HEART rank VII , u'r annoying now?

to devs,

he's asking mindless same time over and over after each relog/login in game by popping up the window to place the basic HEART rank VI, which i done have it, because i have the vigorous version and he's asking for something else.

ofc i dont have the rank VII either cause i cannot finish the mission for which i did al the steps from killing 3000 willes ( pretty hard for a ped card and a blade user - 8m range - considering the difficulty of this mob ) till giving the 275 rubbers and all of those after i finished the crafting of 1000 required components.

the story,

- i had 1 mission open for some time cause of low interest and the mission was Gear up: New fap - Stage 9
- i toke the new mission Gear up: New fap - stage 10
- i finished all 3 steps for the stage 10, and gave to Caleb what he needed , the rubbers and he accepted them
- he open the dialog box to place the fap inside regular HEART ( no biff )
- i decided to not give him the regular rank VI and go instead to finish the stage 9 mission
- i finished the stage 9 since was just an hour for my dps ( 300 skyshatters )
- and I HAVE now the vigorous rank VI
- went back to Caleb to give my new upgraded version of vigorous rank VI for the new one the VII'th
- SURPRISE.... he's dumb cause he asks a regular rank VI
- despite the dialog box from mission that specifically says any of those faps can be given, i cant complete this mission
- and I DONT HAVE the costly version rank VII

cheers !

l.e. to abandon this mission to fix the dialog box or something similar is not cheap, not by far

l.e.e. stage 9 of the chain has a single purpose, to upgrade the regular VI, and by having that active in your mission log means that u want to have an utility version, one of two available, and by continuing to the 10 stage means u will provide the version VI buffed.

Also, if someone wants to have a regular VII means the stage 9 should be disabled because is losing the purpose, player chose to not do the utility version.

More to it, as i see it, the ran 9 should be closed before anyone chose to go to 10, by finishing the mission either chose to continue or to end it as it is, giving the chance to move fwd to stage 10.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member

Thanks for letting us know about this, it's easy to spot the mis-step:

- i had 1 mission open for some time cause of low interest and the mission was Gear up: New fap - Stage 9
- i toke the new mission Gear up: New fap - stage 10
- i finished all 3 steps for the stage 10, and gave to Caleb what he needed , the rubbers and he accepted them
- he open the dialog box to place the fap inside regular HEART ( no biff )
- i decided to not give him the regular rank VI and go instead to finish the stage 9 mission
- i finished the stage 9 since was just an hour for my dps ( 300 skyshatters )

- and I HAVE now the vigorous rank VI
- went back to Caleb to give my new upgraded version of vigorous rank VI for the new one the VII'th
- SURPRISE.... he's dumb cause he asks a regular rank VI
- despite the dialog box from mission that specifically says any of those faps can be given, i cant complete this mission
- and I DONT HAVE the costly version rank VII

cheers !

In the Gear Up New Fap - Stage 10 mission there is special dialogue that players who are choosing to forego the utility upgrade with confirmation dialogue. It was never intended that you could do most of the mission, change your mind about the utility, and come back and complete it, as the mission reads the item in your inventory at the time of mission acquisition.

special dialogue.png

That being said we have already reached out to support in what I hope will be a fringe case.

l.e. to abandon this mission to fix the dialog box or something similar is not cheap, not by far

Right, which is why we have the prompt in the mission.

l.e.e. stage 9 of the chain has a single purpose, to upgrade the regular VI, and by having that active in your mission log means that u want to have an utility version, one of two available, and by continuing to the 10 stage means u will provide the version VI buffed.

We can see about how to limit these in the future but it is a bit clunky.

Also, if someone wants to have a regular VII means the stage 9 should be disabled because is losing the purpose, player chose to not do the utility version.

Once you have a regular VII you shouldn't be able to get the mission for the utility as it reads the item in your inventory, but we can see about making it more clear.

More to it, as i see it, the ran 9 should be closed before anyone chose to go to 10, by finishing the mission either chose to continue or to end it as it is, giving the chance to move fwd to stage 10.

It was left open to allow players agency. It was a point on contention when the Utility upgrade came out, as you can see here. This way no one was forced to do it.

I wanted to make sure to let players know that if they are planning on the utility upgrade it is imperative that they do so before embarking on rank VII upgrade mission and racking up kills or turning in Synthetic Rubber.
