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Bug Report August 31st Official Bug Thread

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Please use this thread to post any bugs from the August 31st VU.

List of known mobs missing from the Codex so far

• Skyshatter Drone
• Scout Bot 779
• Duster Leaders
• Empis Wasp (recently hatched and queen count)
• Red Molten/Lava Infused Golems (count in Crystal Golem Challange)
• Duster clan leaders/elites
• Renegade Fenris
• Imperium Veteran Officer​

Until we know what is officially changed with the Codex, I'm going to bring the list from June over to the August thread.
Stay safe out there:bye:


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Entropia 2021-08-31 15.55.11.cr.png

Planet Cyrene August 31st 2021 VU Notes said:
The final missions for Ryvox the Cypher is available for all players who have become Gladiators.

Does that mean you now will have to have both coats?

The planet-side one to start the Ryvox mission and the registered hub-side one in order to proceed?
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
View attachment 3875

Does that mean you now will have to have both coats?

The planet-side one to start the Ryvox mission and the registered hub-side one in order to proceed?

No you should only need the male or female coat. We didn't experience this error in our testing but rest assured we are working on a fix for this as we speak.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
We just heard back from MA about the missing mobs from the codex. After getting them sorted they will let us know when the update will be released into the live game.

Stay safe out there :bye:


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Thank you for switching ARC Commander Armor from cubes to shrapnels, now waiting for it to be stocked.

The rise in prices for Inaugurates and Patrol is drastic though: 150% resp. 145% now. Whew!


Well-Known Member
Maybe it's time to put back normal price for items from ARC NPCs in hub.

105% MU is a bit high now

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Thank you for switching ARC Commander Armor from cubes to shrapnels, now waiting for it to be stocked.
The rise in prices for Inaugurates and Patrol is drastic though: 150% resp. 145% now. Whew!
Maybe it's time to put back normal price for items from ARC NPCs in hub.

105% MU is a bit high now

For now, the change will stay. That being said, we have time before the next VU to go back and revisit this. :)


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
[System]: New Mission received (An Unnatural Thirst - CoR Part 6)
Click on "Gross, but sure, I have it"
[System]: Mission aborted (An Unnatural Thirst - CoR Part 6)

EDIT: Oh my! Bottles, not kills. May work then.


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Erm, the required parts for Cor Part 7 have not even been discovered yet, right?
I mean, are they in the game? Can they drop?

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Erm, the required parts for Cor Part 7 have not even been discovered yet, right?
I mean, are they in the game? Can they drop?

So, for example: Infected Lungs. This isn't something that drops like normal loot but instead has a chance of counting towards the mission upon killing a player in the specified area. All of the collections work this way for this mission.


Hi All,

I have the following question:

On June 14, 2017 I completed the Mission "To hear the tale...the Cypher!" killing the requested amount of players and got the completion dialogue as shown on the attached screenshot.

Today I found that Ryvox asks me to complete the same mission again for the next stage progression.

I wonder whether the 2017 mission really does not count and have to be done again, or I am somehow bugged.

Noor - To Hear The Tale - 5k Kills Completed 14.Jun.2017 - Wed - 4.53pm.jpg

Kind Regards.


I got it answered.

They are two missions with the same name and objective but for different stages, so I will need to do the 5k pvp kills again for stage 5.

Have a great day everyone:)
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I got it answered.

They are two missions with the same name and objective but for different stages, so I will need to do the 5k pvp kills again for stage 5.

Have a great day everyone:)
To Hear The Tale . . . The Cypher ~ CoR Part 5 is the repeatable weekly stage (5k pvp kills)
I believe you only need to do that stage again if you want to do the weekly repeatable.
After completing the 5k pvp kills you already did, you should of proceeded to Stage 6, which is to hand in 60k sweat, then you will receive Stage 7, A Collection is Required ~ CoR Part 7.
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Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
I mentioned it in game but I should here as well. To start part 6, you must have the Acolyte of Ryvox achievement which you get from part 5, the 5k kills.

Stay safe out there :bye:,