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Bad Example given by Locals once again

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As some of you know i've been away from cyrene for a while and EU specially.

But I've been returning and tought of coming to cyrene.

Me and the locals had our diferences, they didnt like the fact we were open to the comunity about some "secrets", they even reported me for being afk @ TP lvling up a mob and shoting a weapon, because i was being noisy (I know so because a official pm'd me asking if it was possible to change TP because isnt against the rules but, would be nice manners, so i did it).

So I was browsing twitch to check streams and i found this...

Me and a soc mate, admired at start the fact they were dedicated to finish some of the chains cos they require time and dedication, but this video shows another side to it.

We know for a fact most of them are rather low skilled to kill some of the mobs they do kill, but this clearly shows a mob being trapped and there is complete understanding of it since they call out for "krako" help, and you can see the reaction "oh you traping it" completly knowing whats happening.

I would like to have a opinion from the comunity on this because I dont need to ask around, this is exploiting, but what the people think would be nice

Have fun and see you around :)


Sandal San Tolk
Karma is a bitch. But that folks can't help themselves even while streaming everything into the wide world is almost too easy. Goes into the collection of surveillance camera funnies.


Active Member
The main hunter dies 2 times, takes a lot of damage with a fapper.. the guy in black is blocking the mob a bit. There was some trapping going on, but doesn't look like a purposely trapped mob, unless they do it all the time like this.
The system kicks in as well with unreachable messages and the guy in black dies.
They do have some advantage here, but I guess if the guy in black was also fapping the main hunter, they could have killed the mob without death and without the regen on the mob, the result would be the same. I wouldn't call 5 deaths, taking damage, with fapping, flying back to a mob , purposely trapping. Ped was wasted by dieing, flying back to the mob etc.
IN any case.. this is not a very economical way to do the trapping. I can name 5 ubers who used to trap araneatrax with opalo/a106 and shot it from a mountain. One even got an ath doing it. That's abuse.
This.. is just wasting ped, because with 4 hunters on it.. it would simply have died without a single death or fap decay


The main hunter dies 2 times, takes a lot of damage with a fapper.. the guy in black is blocking the mob a bit. There was some trapping going on, but doesn't look like a purposely trapped mob, unless they do it all the time like this.
The system kicks in as well with unreachable messages and the guy in black dies.
They do have some advantage here, but I guess if the guy in black was also fapping the main hunter, they could have killed the mob without death and without the regen on the mob, the result would be the same. I wouldn't call 5 deaths, taking damage, with fapping, flying back to a mob , purposely trapping. Ped was wasted by dieing, flying back to the mob etc.
IN any case.. this is not a very economical way to do the trapping. I can name 5 ubers who used to trap araneatrax with opalo/a106 and shot it from a mountain. One even got an ath doing it. That's abuse.
This.. is just wasting ped, because with 4 hunters on it.. it would simply have died without a single death or fap decay
That aint the point
Most of these guys got epic quests finished that have mobs of incredible high dificulty done finished.
The way they did it and mentioned it cos the video has voice, wasnt the first time they did it, and cyrene mobs do wander a lot so i guess it was just harder for that reason.

Those you mentioned are things of the old past when that setup even worked, this was just yesterday


Active Member
Just WOW! Cant believe what a retard you are Manique. Now I can see why so many people dislike you. You are one of the most frustrated people in the whole Entropia. We dont need to excuse ourselfs, all good cyrene people and not only them know our society and our good members in it. Also we dont do bad things like you and others. You should concentrate on your own gameplay cause you suck hard. You failed as a player going to uberness and now you try to ruin other players who are much better than you. Many people do this kind of thing, we're not the ones that invented this and in fact its the verry first time we did it and not as you say we did it for the epic missions.
Check this link maybe you will see something too
The mob goes unreachable, game mechanics works as intended. It's not like they've found a way around it.

The rest is subjective interpretation. Where one viewer sees "trapping", another may well see a guy with the smaller gun trying to sacrifice himself so that the guy with the bigger gun get to shoot for a bit longer time. (This might be based on a false assumption that distance matters for agro switching; in fact, it doesn't.)

Now, it's their attitudes and experiences that make people see the same situation in entirely different ways. We for one know what the state of affairs in Odessa is.


Sandal San Tolk
Blocking was used in an event I happened to participate (s. below). It made me frown for a moment, but didn't worry about it much further. However, the well-known fate of this group suggested, or rather confirmed to me that inclination to small "sins" can be a slippery slope towards bigger ones. It is all a matter of character.



The mob goes unreachable, game mechanics works as intended. It's not like they've found a way around it.

The rest is subjective interpretation. Where one viewer sees "trapping", another may well see a guy with the smaller gun trying to sacrifice himself so that the guy with the bigger gun get to shoot for a bit longer time. (This might be based on a false assumption that distance matters for agro switching; in fact, it doesn't.)

Now, it's their attitudes and experiences that make people see the same situation in entirely different ways. We for one know what the state of affairs in Odessa is.

So that means i should just trap the mobs, take a hit to make them stop going unreachable and trap again?

No, Mechanic is there but is being abused.

If you like the locals is fine and I understand that you never liked me, but enabling them for doing something wrong isnt the right thing to do.
He isnt sacrificing himself, he is clearly blocking.
This is as much exploit as VTOL exploit that earnt people ban in past, abusing mechanics so you take advantage out of them.
On the video he clearly says and states krasko is traping the mob for him.
So will you be unbiased now and see what is actually the rightfull thing?

They know its traping, if you want to call it something else to defend them is up to you, but it'd be making excuses.


Blocking was used in an event I happened to participate (s. below). It made me frown for a moment, but didn't worry about it much further. However, the well-known fate of this group suggested, or rather confirmed to me that inclination to small "sins" can be a slippery slope towards bigger ones. It is all a matter of character.

some people been using this to their favor for long to hunt over their lvls and limits in ways that offers them clear advantage. at least you know it was clearly blocking it.

MA banned few for this and changed some mechanics on purpose, first they added the unreachable, then some random mob wander, yet people find ways to do it and break rules


Just WOW! Cant believe what a retard you are Manique. Now I can see why so many people dislike you. You are one of the most frustrated people in the whole Entropia. We dont need to excuse ourselfs, all good cyrene people and not only them know our society and our good members in it. Also we dont do bad things like you and others. You should concentrate on your own gameplay cause you suck hard. You failed as a player going to uberness and now you try to ruin other players who are much better than you. Many people do this kind of thing, we're not the ones that invented this and in fact its the verry first time we did it and not as you say we did it for the epic missions.
Check this link maybe you will see something too
WOW, that is just rude, lets go by topics

I believe, brutaly honest is the term here, not retard,
The fact some people dislike me, including most of the locals, i can live fine with it, if exploiters / scammers hate me, is a compliment.
Frustrated about EU? not really, I been happy here, just sad to see the game broke by people like you and your soc mates.
You dont need to excuse cos there's nothing to excuse, is obvious, you called krasko for help, and he traped it and kjellings even aknowledge it on video, i mean , its your guy's words, not mine....

"We dont do bad things like you and others" - Such as what? Revealing secrets your soc kept from others for long so no others touched the market and affecting the planet? Or maybe not using alts to camp vendors? Not using exploits too? Guess thats bad on your eyes.

I focus on my own game play, dont worry, but if you know the rules, you are ment to tell MA for stuff that is breaking the game as in, taking unfair advantage, this is a clear case of it.
I never aimed for uberness, I always aimed for fun and self acomplishment within my limits, Not trying to ruin others players cos i actually reached further than some of you but i played clean.

Many use this technic, maybe yes, but using it makes you an example? No, makes you an example for cyrene being in the cyrenean soc? No, makes it good to use? No again.

Some of you (Maybe not all current members) did finish the epic missions, the discovery/rare loots pops that info away nice and clean.

Look at your own words i'd advise, first its not wrong, then i try to ruin other players for doing "not the wrong thing" then others do it so its fine in your eyes, whats your final saying?
For me is clear, it is taking unfair advantage.


New Member
This reminds me the past, Long ago a streamer found an exploiter.
Then one of those guys(kjellings) punishing the exploiter doing killstealing to their mobs and then the exploiter decided to take revenge
I do not have problems with those people but there is something I do not like ... and it's people who think they can punish others in the game as if they were guardians.
Then thanks to this situation I have some questions that I would like to do here.
When others do exploit is wrong and you have the right to punish it?
And if you do exploit many times as seen in the video of paulo that is good and nothing happens?
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This reminds me the past, Long ago a streamer found an exploiter.
Then one of those guys(kjellings) punishing the exploiter doing killstealing to their mobs and then the exploiter decided to take revenge
I do not have problems with those people but there is something I do not like ... and it's people who think they can punish others in the game as if they were guardians.
Then thanks to this situation I have some questions that I would like to do here.
When others do exploit is wrong and you have the right to punish it?
And if you do exploit many times as seen in the video of paulo that is good and nothing happens?

Yes i did see the 2nd video in the past and couldnt stop finding it funny someone that said now its "fine" surelly got upset for something doing it in the past.
2 faces? I think is just whats most convinient.


Sandal San Tolk
In before the end: Next time I make it to Chiang Mai I'll be happy to buy the lads a beer for every thread they had to close. Hic ;)


Active Member
I dont want to enter in this frustration of you against Cyrene Planet, Cyrene players and Cyreans Society. You are clearly doing anything you can to show the bad parts of Cyrene and its players cause you didnt succes here. Go back to your other planets, if you have one, cause just like Rusty you are hated everywhere. Why you didnt said anything about that official streamer that is in the video I showed you and doing anything he can to block that mobs? Why MA didnt see that? Because maybe he is a friend of you, or maybe cause he is calypsian. I am tired of you here on Cyrene and I think many are too. Leave us alone if you see you dont fit here. Dont try to be smartass thinking this will get you friends here. It didnt work and it will not work like that. I am fine with a ban, permanent or not, if I did something I shouldnt do, I am not afraid, we did nothing wrong there. Many other people did it in the past, you just waited the only moment we ''did it'' to start the rage agaisnt us. This is my last reply here, you dont deserve my attention, frustrated fat child :bduh:


I dont want to enter in this frustration of you against Cyrene Planet, Cyrene players and Cyreans Society. You are clearly doing anything you can to show the bad parts of Cyrene and its players cause you didnt succes here. Go back to your other planets, if you have one, cause just like Rusty you are hated everywhere. Why you didnt said anything about that official streamer that is in the video I showed you and doing anything he can to block that mobs? Why MA didnt see that? Because maybe he is a friend of you, or maybe cause he is calypsian. I am tired of you here on Cyrene and I think many are too. Leave us alone if you see you dont fit here. Dont try to be smartass thinking this will get you friends here. It didnt work and it will not work like that. I am fine with a ban, permanent or not, if I did something I shouldnt do, I am not afraid, we did nothing wrong there. Many other people did it in the past, you just waited the only moment we ''did it'' to start the rage agaisnt us. This is my last reply here, you dont deserve my attention, frustrated fat child :bduh:

I've got no frustration for the planet at all, if i didnt like it i wouldnt step back here every now and then.
What i find wrong however is the locals not setting an example, and they've always screwed the comunity here affecting the planet development.
Since you seem to know me so well, you should know I dont take parts of whatever, only if i see bullshit and hipocrisy happening I tend to step in, which was the case here.
I do not own a planet nor plan owning one to call them "my planets", hate by this type of people doesnt affect me nor affects me in general, I know having a big mouth to say something that some dont like to hear tends to not create "friends" but i rather be honest than keep it shut.
The video you shown me was 1h30m long, I didnt see it, it was because i casually passed on kjellings stream, and saw it and even told him that was exploiting, if you want a proof, go to his recorded broadcast, where you are also featuring on the recorded video, by the 3h40m ~ was when what i witnessed happened.
That guy isnt a "friend of mine", i know him as i also know you, and again, turning into "hate for cyrene" think with your head straight, im not a calypsian, or cyrenean, im an Entropian.
Too bad you guys are tired because it aint a private planet or your guys saying where im at or not, not only that, but seems you are upset i call you out for the shit you do, months ago you complain about an exploiter, but now cos you participate on it with a friend is np?
If you think im smart ass to make friends, no, once again, im who i am cos i dont tolerate witnessing some shit, no matter if you're higher or lower skilled. I respect who respects others and the game, for your stupid comments I dont, I dont call you a thief cos you're romanian do I? I dont know you or got a formed opinion on you just yet but your talk just made it clear what you are.

I seriously hope you and whoever does this gets a ban, maybe its a wake up call that just cos you run mostly on a planet you cant do as you wish,
Exploiting hurts the players and the planet you "love"

Have fun "frustrated fat kid"
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