if thats your opinion about exploiting, thats great for you

However shows you dont care for the planet since you do damage it.
Anyway have fun

hope justice will be made if its the case
What hurt planet Cyrene ? Guy who spend more ped to play like this than a normal player or a guy who camp in hub for ecotron weapon and do not spend a pec in planet ?
With these players Planet Cyrene and MA earn money, with camper like you, you just take ped from other players, Planet Cyrene and MA don't earn money ...
Or maybe all bugs on the planet hurt the planet ? When you do epic mission, you spend tons of ped and a the end you have useless weapons/fap or you can't loot all parts from Lazidol or lesser power crystals because they don't are in loot pool, who scam who ? Or when you spend time and money for farm Lime green tokens and coat are useless because NPC don't work, who scam who ? What hurt the planet ?
Manique stop to cry, if MA do something you are right, if MA don't do anything like they don't do anything for all others players who played like that you are wrong.