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Deo Ingie

520+ here, how many ya got? I didn't know it before, but 500 badge vendor is in the HUB, and takes shrapnel instead of tokens. no weapons though :-(

Deo Ingie

The 500 vendor isnt empty, just no weapons, they werent discovered yet or something, but the armor is there, its just L


Currently at 584 badges, and 7 summoning totems in storage, well 6, but MA owe me one becouse they are bugged :p

Deo Ingie

what are you looting the totems from? I haven't got one yet. Someone yesterday said they got one from a puny something.


Active Member
They drop randomly. I got one from dire weeds and I got one from scrap bots.
Just keep hunting sooner or later one will drop on you.



Well-Known Member
Still waiting for my first totem too, then again i don't hunt the a.r.c. mobs more then just for the daily missions.


I only looted one of the ones I have off a Bile Jellyworm. My disciple looted one of a weak tree dragon. The rest i bought on auction.


New Member
Hello, I'm new to planet cyrene, and I was wondering some things about ARC faction badges.
From what I understand, there are currently 3 ranks, at 200, 500 and 900 badges.
Each rank unlocks a new NPC selling items.
What are those items ?
There were the Stolen Imperium Armor, unlimited, and available at 200 badges, but it's not available anymore. Apparently, there was a lot of drama around it, and I don't want to re-open the subject.

So, what is available now ? L armors ? Guns ? Are there in limited supply ? If so, limited by player, or globally ?
Are there any unlimited items available ? If yes, which and at what rank ? If not, will there be any later on ? Avatar bound ? limited supplies ?

My main concern is, reaching the high ranks of the faction requires a lot of time, maybe 5-6 months if doing all daily missions everyday. I think those ranks that unlock items are a great idea, but if I'm gonna do daily missions everyday for months, I'd like to know a bit more about the rewards I can expect.

Can somebody offer some clarification about all this ? (Kris ?)
Thank you,



New Member
Thank you Harmony.

Anybody has information about rank 3 ?

Also, is the supply for items limited per player or globally ?