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basic target chips


New Member
Yeah, as long some personages constantly farm and hoard the rare loot, I don't see how the others can get a single piece.

I agree with you. I am a tailor/texture/color person. I enjoy it. It does require for me to stock up on materials so i can execute a run of production i.e. 200 shirt and pants. so in some degree I have to save up for that in storage. But there is a dividing line that occurs when one stockpiles a resource strictly for the purpose of mareket manipulation and control. I like cyrene. I would like to see the new face of Cyrene prosper and grow, and this is an example of the reason why it is being forestalled.


Well-Known Member
Personnaly i get alot rare items on Cyrene. But i hunt alot for that and usually i stock in storage, not for resell but for use myself.
I see alot complain about loot or drop rate, but i dont see alot big hunter on Cyrene ...

Edit : Woho big gratz to Noorie, thanks to accuse me !

I never manipulate anything or anybody. I just play ! When i am on #cyrenetrade its for buy not for sell ! Then stop to try to make me a bad reputation. Thanks !
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Neo Jr XL

True Neo, very true. ummm, ? what cyrene products do you see ? stuff you buy in the trade terminal and taken to caly to sell at markup. ?

In my first post I thought I was replying to someone who barely knows Cyrene. Now I realize you may as well be new to the game...Trade terminals universal wide have had the same weapons and equipment for some time now. Would be difficult to sell them at mark up at caly unless your are trying to scam people. Cyrene products do exist and if you ever came to the planet and did 'starter search and find' BPs missions you would know what to look up on caly auction. But I guess posting on forum is easier then cycling ped on the planet.... And hey with your planned one time 200 run on clothes would you be a 'real hoarder' for BTC vs some of us?...
For me, the drop rate is not the problem.
There is no players on Cyrene ! That's the problem. If more player, more BTC and other stuff looted and it will be hard to hoarder to manipulate the market !
If there is event, more pple will stay on Cyrene !

Just a guess (I do not possess any inside info) but it might well be that the amount of BTC dropping correlates with the total volume of hunting on the server - if my memory serves me right, they were much more common during the tide claw event.

After all, the purpose of balancing is not to deny people good stuff or anything - balancing is concerned with with distributing the activity (and hence server load) as evenly as possible. So, if the volume of bot hunting stays the same and the volume of hunting other mobs decreases, the system might well cap some stuff in bots.


New Member
Personnaly i get alot rare items on Cyrene. But i hunt alot for that and usually i stock in storage, not for resell but for use myself.
I see alot complain about loot or drop rate, but i dont see alot big hunter on Cyrene ...

Edit : Woho big gratz to Noorie, thanks to accuse me !

I never manipulate anything or anybody. I just play ! When i am on #cyrenetrade its for buy not for sell ! Then stop to try to make me a bad reputation. Thanks !

Ooooo. Im not here to accuse anyone or render a judgement. Jaaaazus. i don't even know how to spot a botter.. whatever that is. I would just like to see equity and fairness. If you are going to farm lets say..... Basic Targeting Chips, then don't Charge 39,000 percent markup on resale. that's an obvious giveaway at market manipulation. Making a profit on your skill sets is one thing. Screwing people in the butt is another. As a Tailor I enjoy a profitable relationship with hunters and miners in my society on different planets. We have a friendship and a nice trade relationship. I would like to do that on Cyrene to. But as long as peeps charge these ridiculous, GREEEDY, markup values I have no interest in doing business with them. Id rather take my chances and hunt myself. Ann I will to. Move over another hunter joins the Cyrene fray. Your profits are about to be cut. Or. we can play fair and we can both profit from the business relationship everyone enjoys. Better yet spread a rumor on the boards and in game that BTC is getting 4.5 peds a chip. Golly what a deal and see how many peeps come over there for a cut of the action just to instill competition markup, now thats an idea.
I too can get up at 4am , move to cyrene. blah blah. anyone can. And if MA has its way. more peeps will soon follow. So for you " Justine" I cast no blame. I saw the link Noorie made and i don't want to inflame any past feelings or drama. I want this forum to be a nice productive conversation about how to workout trade, issues and resolve things with positive reinforcement.
Truth is... Hunters are very important to bring in resources. You have to actually STOCK things to make a decent run of production, that is perfectly normal. My only plea is to ask a fair, equitable market price and we can do business. right now there are basic marketing chips in AH. and i will not buy them cuz its smacks of GREED and AVARICE. I absolutely refuse to pay 4.5 ped average price for a BTC. Id rather get it myself at that price.
I just bought Dire Weed Flaxen from Laura Angela Croft I got two sets of 200 for a nice fair price. If i can see that in a BTC seller, we can talk. I need 500 to make a clothing run. I have 76 members in my society to make outfits for.

this equates to 3 ped per chip. I would pay that up to 10. anything over that I would expect a bulk discount to 2 ped per chip up to 50, and over 50 1 ped per chip as a chain discount. . that is fair market value. and Im not seeing that in the Cyrene AH. all i see is money grubbing greed. I won't do business with that, and neither will my society members. Frankly only the desperate will. and they fizzle out fast.

Value:0.02 PED
Found on:Planet Cyrene
User Value:15000.00 % (2015-09-02)


New Member
Personnaly i get alot rare items on Cyrene. But i hunt alot for that and usually i stock in storage, not for resell but for use myself.
I see alot complain about loot or drop rate, but i dont see alot big hunter on Cyrene ...

Edit : Woho big gratz to Noorie, thanks to accuse me !

I never manipulate anything or anybody. I just play ! When i am on #cyrenetrade its for buy not for sell ! Then stop to try to make me a bad reputation. Thanks !

if its any consolation???? Noorie Noorie Anwar is currently bidding on 4 chips for 21 ped and is supporting the very shyster mentality of profiteering we are all deadset against. Justine??? is this the same person who is being critical of you IDK. suffice to say if it isl.. She is feed the hand that screws her


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New Member
In my first post I thought I was replying to someone who barely knows Cyrene. Now I realize you may as well be new to the game...Trade terminals universal wide have had the same weapons and equipment for some time now. Would be difficult to sell them at mark up at caly unless your are trying to scam people. Cyrene products do exist and if you ever came to the planet and did 'starter search and find' BPs missions you would know what to look up on caly auction. But I guess posting on forum is easier then cycling ped on the planet.... And hey with your planned one time 200 run on clothes would you be a 'real hoarder' for BTC vs some of us?...

how else do you make things Neo? its not hoarding if you use the items for their purpose. you make it sound as if just because im stocking to make a clothing run,, its hoarding ?? thats a gross mis-labelling and i reject the label. u do textures . clothes. parts. all manufactured items are done this way in mass production. its how you make a lot of textures to skill up your textu8re skills , paint skills. blah blah. thats not hoarding. By your definition. Only hunters can skill on cyrenem the rest of the craftsman are hoarders by the very nature of their professions. I absolutely disagree


New Member
This will be my last post. I have learned a lot from each of you, Even those that disagree have contributed to the thought process. I realize the Cyrene cartel has a good thing going. Let me add also I do believe you are merely following the path of sacrifice and reward that is available to you. With growth comes change and often the broom salesman must give way to the vacuum cleaner salesman at some point , jes sayin , We just have a difference of resource management ideas and f feel mine promote growth. Have a nice day ....lov lov LEZ


Sandal San Tolk
I don't think it was the intention of anyone to criticize people for doing exactly what the game is designed for and farming materials for their crafting. There is also nothing wrong with farming for trading, unless they are using alts, bots or anything that puts them at an unfair advantage over others. That these corrosive behaviours fall in a line which is not so obvious to distinguish from the former is nobody's fault. Somebody sees something and speaks up, this is also okay and actually desirable. That only the honest ones feel accused and prompted to respond is unfortunate, but in the nature of things. All is good once it is known who is who.

I also didn't mean to criticize the C-Team for doing nothing, in case it came out this way. They have and efforts are continuing. It's the cooperation and interplay of all involved parties that have not solved certain problems to this date. The perception of a rather thick-skinned MA is hard to shake off under these circumstances, especially since their own "mothership" Calypso doesn't suffer a lot of the same woes as its much larger community can absorb or hide a lot more bad stuff. The effects of socially damaging behaviour are multiplied in a community which is small, because everyone's individual impact is so much higher. If this serves to turn people away, we have a perfect vicious cycle which prevents growth. Therefore, anyone who knows they are doing the right thing, please continue to do so, because the bad apples don't care and will anyway.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
The thing with BTC and the reason they cost upwards to 3.5ped/chip is they are used to make some of the best low lvl UL guns (BP S1X1, Chon S1X1 and LR S1X1), demand is too high for them to drop below 2ped. i think MA restrict BTC in loot to avoid the market been flooded with these guns causing the limited gun market at low lvl to cease completely. The problem is, and where you are, having BTC in tailoring BPs has ruined those BPs.
If the BTC can't be increased in loot drops, i would hope the BPs are altered to drop the BTC from the ingredients
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Active Member
Yup, it can be seen in most ingredients that there is one material that MA can switch down to minimum availability as a way of preventing the result from being crafted in large numbers. Having the same rare material for different crafting fields is a bit of a 'duh', though, isn't it?
Also, having a cap set so low that even a shortish run requires what appears to be market-relevant hoarding is also crazy in my opinion.

Cyrene crafting has been plagued by this from the start, coupled with the loot injection timers.

...and the months turn into years ...and even avatars grow old. Development comes and goes - and we see the same disease of rust, bust and tumbleweed stay remarkably persistant.