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Wish List Bigger Paneleon/Duster challenge

I think I've done the Paneleon with Weak Paneleons about 20 times now which is 4000 Weak Paneleons kills and so far the only A.R.C. Challenge for Paneleons are Old Alpha paneleons. Same goes for the new Duster, probably done them at least 10 times or so (only Scapegoats).

So, would be nice for a Paneleon/Duster missions similiar to the Scout Bot 100/200 or anything alike with 3000 + 6000 (and more maybe) like Merfolken has a 3000/6000 challenge too regardless of the point value of the maturity.

Or, perhaps to make Weak Paneleon count towards the Ultimate n00b Challenge, since it's a weak - although it only has 80hp and the other "weak" mobs do have 100 hp that count towards the Ultimate n00b Challenge which makes sense why they aren't counted towards them, or it's simply the difference in locations.

Simply put, a bigger challenge for Paneleon/Duster to combine with the daily one like alot of the mobs already have but these do not :)


Fate Thanatos Themis
he (me too) wants bigger challanges on paneleons also, where all paneleon maturity counts in (from weak to old stalker), but scored is made by killpoints (hp based) :)


Active Member
Its based on kill points now for the daily 200. I want and I think Doodle want to, the mission to be for numbers of killed Paneleons like for tne N00b Mission (15k)


Fate Thanatos Themis
do noob misssion then.

btw that noob mobs got specific loot, thats why paneleon weak, prob will not count in
But killing 100 Old Alpha Paneleon only? This way there would be a noob mission, medium mission and high mission. I never meant for it to count towards the Ultimate n00b Challenge, since they're located differently and have different HP than the others. But currently as far as I can tell, there's no other challenge for Dusters other than the noob mission/daily. And for paneleon only the noob mission and the Old Alpha mission.

I meant it would only be fair since Merfolken has a larger mission that you get points towards when you do the daily noob missions, also Regent Hailbird, Merfolken Beach Head? and Lord Psycidon which would make all these challenges more equal. At this moment you get:

Kill 1 Merfolken = 1 point on "Meet the Tahnok (daily)", 1 point on Merfolken Beach Head? (daily) 1/10 for Lord Psycidon and Regent Hailbird (both daily) and 1 point on "The Merfolken Initiative".
Kill 1 Duster = 1 on "Meet the Turrelions.." (daily)
Kill 1 Paneleon = 1 on "Meet the Zyn'Kimbro..." (daily) (unless Old Alpha Paneleon)


Fate Thanatos Themis
in fact i understood before, that u wanted to add paneleon weak to be scored in Ultimate Noob Challange, with what i dont agree ofc, but my bad :p

Thing to remember is that since mob type and its difficulty have the impact on its loot (type + rarity = MU), u can not have same mob with same type of loot avialable for all player levels.

also mission where u got to kill paneleons old alpha has a reward balanced with it.
it has a reward based on mob hp and difficulty. to get same reward as it is there, by killing paneleons weak, u would have to kill at least 20 time more of them every stage.

in fact, killpoint scoring for all missions, so noobs and ubers could do them, was what we wanted to happen here in old thread, but its not possible to change (unless they are bugged) - its the answer we got some time ago.

but we can make new missions :)

i hope more missions will come, but not all mobs / maturities can have its missions for every player level (low-mid-high). Imagine daily noob mission on Wiles? ;) joking ofc now.


I agree that we need more missions, so if u (all of u - cyrene players) could take a time and make a coherent list of missions u would like to see, note: mob, mission lenght (daily/typical stages), type of scoring (kills/points), and type of reward - i think developers will appreciate and consider that in the future.

Im glad that there are some new ppl who are willing to help to improve the Cyrene :)

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What I mean wether or not you kill 3000 Merfolken Young or Merolken Gladiator you still have to do 3000. But if it was just 3000 Merfolken Gladiator the reward for the mission would be alot greater than the current reward.

I just stated that it makes sense that they're not counted towards the Ultimate n00b Challenge. But as of now, Duster Scapegoat/Merfolken Young/Weak Paneleon has 80hp each and could or should be similiar in difficulty and it would be nice if the rewards for killing one of them would be equal to the other missions is all I'm saying. Currently, it's just more rewarding skill-wise to hunt Merfolken and for the Imperium Tokens and not to hunt the others.

Then I have no trouble if there would be more difficult missions for higher mobs or some epic missions with kill points instead.

Sounds more like you all want a "Zeladoth Epic"-like missions with a million kill points for these mobs instead. Then I would just take a guess that Weak Paneleon and Duster Scapegoat would NOT be counted towards these, like the weaker Zeladoth's do not count towards the epic.

The Merfolken Initiave - Rank 1, Rank 2 (Kill 3000/6000 Merfolken) - all maturities and no killpoints
Putting Out The Fire - Rank 1, Rank 2 (Kill 3000/6000 Paneleons) - all maturities and no killpoints
Brushing Off The Dust - Rank 1, Rank 2 (Kill 3000/6000 Duster) - all maturities and no killpoints

Don't know if there are more ranks?

<no name> - Kill ALOT of Dusters with the same killpoints value as daily
<no name> - Kill ALOT of Paneleons with the same killpoints value as daily
<no name> - Kill ALOT of Merfolken with the same killpoints value as daily

Perhaps after completing the first 3000/6000 missions the epics would be unlocked. Just some ideas :D Also, this way both kill points and kill count will be used.


Well-Known Member
Personally i would prefer more mission chains like the epic 1 and 2.
Just adding more kill 10k mobs missions is pretty boring and copying the other planets, i prefer to have a more unique feel to Cyrene.

(but that's just me).
Well, if that's just the case there are plenty of "kill points" missions on other planets as well where different maturity count different. Also I would think the planet needs more mission "low to medium" based since the only low mission so far is just hunting puny crystal pede. The way I recommended or put it all parties get what they want, both normal kill count mission and perhaps some epic missions. But not sure if the planet want to be known for "too difficult for noobs" and "full of epics you can't afford for a good while". As of right now I think it more needs low to medium mission chains, since the epic change starting with Zeladoth is what 10 stages of ALOT of kills regardless of maturity. Seen alot of new players not ready to try out Cyrene because it offers too little for newcomers or noobs.


Fate Thanatos Themis
yeah cyrene is developing more noob focused content recently, and i guess more missions are comming, but u forget about many daily missions we got here, for skills and for tokens, that noob can do to get peds.
then scout bot mission where loot have good MU, then salvaging missions for BPs. then merfolken, sprout weeds, weak mobs mission, etc - all those mobs got MU in loot. btw who said u got to make a mission? do u want to have good returns from loot, or make a mission?
anyway, show me the planet which offer more free and easy peds from MU avialable for new avatars plz

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This is all great feedback about missions. I always think we could use more missions =) and kill point missions are a great way accommodate the biggest amount of player skill levels. We do have some more n00b friendly missions coming in the next VU, as well as a non-combat instance that I think will be fun and something outside the norm for Entropia Universe. If these types of things are received well then we can expand that type of game play to add more challenge and fun.

Player feedback helps make Cyrene a better planet =)

I think I finished all the "noob" missions in a day or so, takes about an hour if you do 'em all after the other. I'm just making an argument for why the planet needs more low-medium missions rather than big expensive epics, not relevant of whatever the mob returns or do not return. I've brought alot of people to Cyrene, not all noobs and most of them just turned around the same day or the next. And personally, even though I'm skilled enough to take down (somewhat) greater mobs I like to hunt smaller mobs in greater quantity rather than one big mob that cost the same as 100 of the small ones.


Fate Thanatos Themis
to clarify, u call the noob missions, that u made in one day, just those at noob base?

if u made in a day or so, all stages of pede, scout bot, sea wraith, merfolken, and ultimate noob challange, that all are noob missions, well ur awesome.

anyway, i see ur point. i just think ppl are looking the easy path here, but easy, isnt profitable in entropia,

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I mean noob missions, not noob mission chains. Compared to other planets "Noob" missions, those mobs have about 10-30 hp. Noob missions here have about 100 hp. What I meant was the easier one, "Go buy an SI. Scorpion, Kill 30 scout boats... Done. Kill 20 Fish." And now the new "Here's a free finder, but no extractor. Here's a knife, a gun a hat and a fap." Not much more to it. Compared to other planets, you can spend sometime doing these missions and get a feel of the planet; especially if it's your first time on a place it feels more important than just to hand out 10 stuffs. But it's almost become a different conversation from what it was from the beginning because of all this :D

In short, more missions, more ARC Challenges/epic missions and perhaps a longer starting mission that introduces Cyrene better.