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Wish List bigger pets


Active Member
Kinda disappointing how small the rhino beetle, etc. on Cyrene are when spawned vs how huge they are if you drop em in an apartment... make em bigger when spawned if possible... At least make em as big as the critter we hit the whips with to get these things tamed...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey mastermesh,

Kinda disappointing how small the rhino beetle, etc. on Cyrene are when spawned vs how huge they are if you drop em in an apartment... make em bigger when spawned if possible... At least make em as big as the critter we hit the whips with to get these things tamed...

I can see about this, but I feel like I should ask: are there other large sized pets in EU?

If my understanding is correct, all the pets are around the same size, and I assumed that making large size pets would be a more inconvenient or used for exploiting purposes.



Active Member
Largest are humonoid types. Oratan are pretty tall.

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Active Member

Look how big they are in apt... or a shop.... kind of false advertising to potential buyer on size? 2 or 3 cyrene pets use up a whole room on estates... fine if they spawned that size. I was massively let down on size when i actually tamed a few myself

Boxer, axe, gorillas and a few others spawn bigger then the deed version in estates. Cyrene pets spawn about 4 times smaller

I do like big estate versions.. rhino beetles eyes at avatar eye height is spooky... but then it spawns the size of a small dog
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey mastermesh,

Largest are humonoid types. Oratan are pretty tall.

So there are a few pets at least the same size as the creature it comes from, very interesting.


Look how big they are in apt... or a shop.... kind of false advertising to potential buyer on size? 2 or 3 cyrene pets use up a whole room on estates... fine if they spawned that size. I was massively let down on size when i actually tamed a few myself

Boxer, axe, gorillas and a few others spawn bigger then the deed version in estates. Cyrene pets spawn about 4 times smaller

I do like big estate versions.. rhino beetles eyes at avatar eye height is spooky... but then it spawns the size of a small dog

So it seems to me the real disconnect is the issue that the size of the deed version doesn't match the spawned version.

That might be the best place to start. Although I am remembering an old thread about this before, but I wasn't able to find it, and a lot of the players wanted the decorations to stay the large size even though the pets weren't that large.

Either way, I'll get together with the team and see what options we have.



Sandal San Tolk
So there are a few pets at least the same size as the creature it comes from, very interesting.
Not quite, they just are a wee bit bigger than the rest, but nowhere as impressive as the original creature. I guess the result is what the respective developers got away with under the current regime. There once was a string of hefty discussions with the point of contention raised by pk'ers that their prey, like e.g. miners in pvp areas, would use big pets to shield themselves from being shot at. Those grandfathered pets were especially popular for the purpose, such as Ancient Strong Exarosaur or Snableshot Female made for veritable cows. MA at one time chose to oblige in a way which destroyed trust forever, namely by educating players who got too comfortable that no digital item is protected from being crushed at a whim. (As a sidenote, I know some of my suggestions involved changing existing items, but...) And that they would choose to punish every owner for the actions of a minority, instead of e.g. banning a selection of offending items from pvp areas. With this in mind, I don't think they will let you inflate your beautiful creatures to anywhere near their station. The attempt will likely be futile, and even asking is not free since it costs an employee's time. The problem is of a kind which rather calls for a grassroots movement because it shows an attitude which is beyond individual items. Let's all go and hit up the new CEO.