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Mining Blue Icy Crystal


New Member
More of a staff question, but I noticed the Blue Icy Crystal and the associated texture BP haven't been discovered yet when checking the turrelion BP book. Are these discoverable yet, or are they still going through the process of being put into the loot pool?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey KingofAces,

More of a staff question, but I noticed the Blue Icy Crystal and the associated texture BP haven't been discovered yet when checking the turrelion BP book. Are these discoverable yet, or are they still going through the process of being put into the loot pool?

As far as I was aware these are able to be mined and discovered, I will check in with MA to make sure the are in for players to get.

When I get an update I'll post it here.



New Member
Blue Icy crystals can also be found on the special mining island (the one with the mission), in the middle somewhere.

Thank you :)
I'll need to check that out, cause i'm cruising from 1 planet to another just for (mining)missions.
And ofcourse I need to sell them ... so if nobody is interested, no need to mine them.


I found some on the ice continent too cant remember exactly when but 2-4 weeks ago, was running from service center towards my old spot where i used to get iron ore and just decided to randomly drop a probe and bingo.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey everyone,

Thanks for all the feedback and info, it seems between your player confirmation and our internal data these enmatters are dropping on Cyrene.
