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Crafting BP drop chance


Fate Thanatos Themis
hi there,

i just made about 1200 clicks of combustors on cyrene. i guess the chance to get a bp can be low, but hey, zero BP on entire craft?

take a look plz if its not broken, cuz maybe i should post it in "bug report" section.



Active Member
On the subject of bp drop chances... what gives with Bonding Liquid BP being so rare? And the dropping of Light Power Cells that comes from the TT. :/

Seems it would be -very- beneficial to have bonding liquid bp in circulation, as it's needed for the armors, which in turn uses pretty much everything else we've been getting. Would really help an economy get going. Sweat from new players, parts from hunting, and resources from mining. To make that armor requires a bit of everything from everyone.

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
Rathius, I do believe that the Bonding liquid BP is going to be released as a (L)BP from the Imperium token rewards vendor. Don't hold me feet to the flames if it does not make it this patch though. I would need Kris to confirm this.


Active Member
Ah, well if it's from tokens I suppose that'd be okay, and actually reinforces the economy cycle. Although I still want a UL one. :p

I'm more than understanding about 'unofficial' information from developers, as I'm one myself on an MMO in development, heh. So no worries there. :)


New Member
Bonding Liquid BP confirmed to drop...i got now several, even though ONLY after i purchased one already for huge MU ; )
all component BPs have dropped for me now UL and (L) ... however crafting tools armors and weapons did not drop anything - not even universal BPs at all ... keep this updated after the next 10k clicks XD


I broke down a purchased BL from auction so I could start crafting armors. Crafted first Boot Armor couple days ago. 5 clicks on harness with no success so far. I'm seeking all armor molds.

I know where boots, harness are but can't find others. Anyone know?


Well-Known Member
so i have waffled back and forth on the idea of talking about this.

but i have gotten most of my bps majority of them being cyrene from crafting basic filters. this is another reason that i decided to make cyrene my home. being a new player and not wanting to specialize in one partictular skill.

the abundance of oil and lyst make mining for my own crafting material very easy and rewarding.

i have not done the numbers but usually if i drop 300 probes in a run i come up with about 80% tt returns.

i can then craft basic filters then tt them and the residues and have another 80% tt returns.

so i am losing money on this but i am getting lots of exp being a noob from the drilling and probing not to mention the crafting so i think it is a fair trade off.