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Bug Report broken loot old alpha zeladoth

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Well-Known Member
There is discussion because people disagree there is a bug.
Just because an item is dropping less (finally, stupid hides), doesn't mean this affects your tt returns.

If you killed 2k in the last few weeks and had 60% tt return, that would give some credibility to your theory on loot.


This might also be related to recent changes to reduce the effect of loot waves.

Before, I could pick any mob and if I was lucky, hit the wave and receive plenty of less common loot. Now it is much more random.

Even though it feels like I am getting less, in long run, I know I am getting about the same amount of uncommon loot. (or the same that I would get, if I had grinded that mob for a long time with the waves).

To loot more Perfect Hides, grind longer. (rather than hit the lucky wave).
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