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FIXED BUG - Dr Nikolo's Bug Problem


New Member
Quest says - Dr. Nikolo requests that you dispatch 20 of the Empis Wasps at Garvers, across from the base camp; Garvers Point.

So there appears to be no Garvers Point anymore at least not that I can find. I have killed Empis Wasp and Empi at all locations they spawn and none of them count for the mission.

It appears that the mission no longer works.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey demonakasha,

Quest says - Dr. Nikolo requests that you dispatch 20 of the Empis Wasps at Garvers, across from the base camp; Garvers Point.

So there appears to be no Garvers Point anymore at least not that I can find. I have killed Empis Wasp and Empi at all locations they spawn and none of them count for the mission.

It appears that the mission no longer works.

I tested this today and followed the waypoint into the area, however this directs you Empis Wasps, and Dr. Nicolo wants Empi, which isn't found here currently.

For the next Update we'll cultivate the area a bit more and make sure the location and spawn are congruent.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
You're welcome, thanks for the info and feedback for us to get this fixed.

I've marked this as "FIXED" now in the thread prefix.


New Member
I know this mission is supposed to be fixed, but I've followed all the regular empi spawns on the 2 Islands and absolutely none count. Not the Empis which the way point still takes you to at the hive tp.


New Member
Hmm I did complete the mission. so it was doable somewhere in May. I think I was around here /wp [Planet Cyrene, 131926, 75871, 100, Empi]