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bug on mutated dire plants


New Member
Hey devs, we noticed by swunting on mutated dire plants in team and 6 players shooting with tt gear, those plants aint giving any loot.. probably a bug with calculating loot split to 6 players or so, because if we kill them with 3 or max 4 persons it give us something.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey vic_Vic_Viera!

Another player who I think is in your swunting group already informed me about something similar last week.
The best way for me (us and MindArk) to try and solve this issue would be if you could try and provide specifics from your huting expierence: time (from when to when) and date, group members (names if possible), and area ( /pos if possible).

I know they are already looking into this issue but any additional data may help expedite a solution!



Dave Neuromancer
Well Kris, gathering all this data is pretty high on my list of tedious things to do. You might be able to check it out yourself with 6 or so Cyrene staff members.

Having said that - Saturday 5/18 1400-1600 MA time mutant dire weeds spawn out of Zik outpost. The usually members are myself Dave Neuromancer, Vic Viera, MrX, Kjellings, and Sapphiredragon plus about 3 or 4 others

I'll try and post the exact loot data on our next swunt this coming weekend.


Well-Known Member
probab;y a easy solution would be to have everyone display their full names and have someone take timestamped screens of the loot with entropia tracker ?

would this provide the data you are after prehaps?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey neuromancer and non,
Well Kris, gathering all this data is pretty high on my list of tedious things to do. You might be able to check it out yourself with 6 or so Cyrene staff members.

Having said that - Saturday 5/18 1400-1600 MA time mutant dire weeds spawn out of Zik outpost. The usually members are myself Dave Neuromancer, Vic Viera, MrX, Kjellings, and Sapphiredragon plus about 3 or 4 others

I'll try and post the exact loot data on our next swunt this coming weekend.

I believe the general hunting info you have provided to me will be sufficient enough! I did not mean to make it sound like a tedious task to do. If you do not want to supply any other info I think this will be enough to give to MA to aid their tracking of this issue =).

That being said, thanks a ton for this info and we're hoping to get this issue solved right away.

probab;y a easy solution would be to have everyone display their full names and have someone take timestamped screens of the loot with entropia tracker ?

would this provide the data you are after prehaps?

I think that would be a more optimal way to do it, but I know not everyone wants to do that ><. Even just general information like was was posted above should be enough (I won't turn down additional info though =p )

Thanks again for bringing this to our attention!

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