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Bug Report Bugs july 1st

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Xen,

Just to make sure, if I am part of the way through one stage of the epic mission chain, even though there is no counter showing it is still counting my kills, right?

Yes. It's only the sub-objective of the counter that is missing.



Active Member
ok so then the counters are going to be back? I had the same thing happen to all the missions I have been working on. I am to understand we are to abandon the mission and restart the mission to get the counters to come back up? I am too close or in the middle of too many higher kill count missions to be dropping them for the counter. The counter was there before and should be able to be put back.


ok so then the counters are going to be back? I had the same thing happen to all the missions I have been working on. I am to understand we are to abandon the mission and restart the mission to get the counters to come back up? I am too close or in the middle of too many higher kill count missions to be dropping them for the counter. The counter was there before and should be able to be put back.

I am afraid I am to blame for all this mess, but it was for a good cause. Mission counters still work, but they are invisible ONLY for the current stage you are on. Once completed, you move on normally to the next stage, and the counter will now reside one line below the mission title, so you'll be able to keep track even on missions that have long names without having to open the full mission window.

Sorry guys...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

ok so then the counters are going to be back? I had the same thing happen to all the missions I have been working on. I am to understand we are to abandon the mission and restart the mission to get the counters to come back up? I am too close or in the middle of too many higher kill count missions to be dropping them for the counter. The counter was there before and should be able to be put back.

Any new mission picked up will have the counters. It is not necessary to abandon any missions you are currently working on but if feel like you need a counter it is an option.

I am afraid I am to blame for all this mess, but it was for a good cause. Mission counters still work, but they are invisible ONLY for the current stage you are on. Once completed, you move on normally to the next stage, and the counter will now reside one line below the mission title, so you'll be able to keep track even on missions that have long names without having to open the full mission window.

I felt the same way, that this would be an overall better experience.



Active Member
thanks for the responses. I hope it can get back to where we can see the counters again. I know that having the counters helped me in choosing what to do for the day or hour, whatever, not that I mind just going and hunting some things without worrying about a mission.


Well-Known Member
it seems that the instance is sometimes called L.U.I.G.I.V.R. and sometimes L.U.I.G.I.V.S.?

Also the NPC outside of the instance claims it takes two tokens to participate, while in reality it only costs one.
Last edited:

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
it seems that the instance is sometimes called L.U.I.G.I.V.R. and sometimes L.U.I.G.I.V.S.?

Also the NPC outside of the instance claims it takes two tokens to participate, while in reality it only costs one.

Thanks harmony!


Even though counters started working and updated properly when passing through mission stages, just got one that doesn't want to cooperate, on stage 8 of epic #2, Stalking the Stalkers.

Is that one bugged? Should I just abort the stage now that I am at its beginning and take it again? I just hope I can, because it would suck if that would mean aborting the whole epic chain :D

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Manny,

Even though counters started working and updated properly when passing through mission stages, just got one that doesn't want to cooperate, on stage 8 of epic #2, Stalking the Stalkers.

Is that one bugged? Should I just abort the stage now that I am at its beginning and take it again? I just hope I can, because it would suck if that would mean aborting the whole epic chain :D

I will have to investigate, can you be more specific about what it doesn't want to cooperate about?

If you abort it you will not have to start the whole chain over, you'd still be on your current step.



You got a point, I should probably have been clearer. Even though the counter for the previous stages worked properly, Ie was visible and updating, stage VII had an invisible counter, just like all the already active missions had since ♠the update. Will abort and retake the mission, hopefully that will fix things. Will keep you posted.


*Bugfix - meant stage VIII not VII.
*Update - aborted and retook the mission, counter still dead as can be seen in the picture. No biggie, I'll just do the stage blind.
Entropia 2014-07-23 00-00-39-71.jpg

Notice how one line (the one where the counter would be) is added under the mission description after one kill. Same as it was with active missions after the update.
Entropia 2014-07-23 00-06-55-50.jpg

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Manny,

I can verify that any kills you make during this mission will be counted. However, the counter is, for lack of better terms "Hidden".



Well-Known Member
On the getting slimed! mission, upon returning for the reward the questgiver says: Here take this Zyn'Kimbro token, while it should be take these cyrene mission tokens.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it's a bug but the reward for the Pict's Pollen Issue is 8 cyrene tokens, that looks like an awful lot compared to the other missions.


Well-Known Member
on the blue crystals for wilco mission, the second dialog when getting the mission.

the one i'm most interested is Blue crystals, should be the one i'm most interested in is Blue crystals


Well-Known Member
On the mission text (in the logbook) of the Insatiable Hunger - Rank 1 mission it reads:

Anatomy, Perception, or Alertness, it should be:Anatomy, Perception or Alertness.

And especially for the cyrene mission team i have to link this one ::monkey_slap:

I hope you guys have a good sense of humor :)

It's getting better though, having a harder time finding spelling errors these days...

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
On the mission text (in the logbook) of the Insatiable Hunger - Rank 1 mission it reads:

Anatomy, Perception, or Alertness, it should be:Anatomy, Perception or Alertness.

And especially for the cyrene mission team i have to link this one ::monkey_slap:

I hope you guys have a good sense of humor :)

It's getting better though, having a harder time finding spelling errors these days...

Ah the Oxford Comma, which i think is pretty important at times for example Sky News in the UK ran this Headline "Top stories: World leaders at Mandela tribute, Obama-Castro handshake and same-sex marriage date set." The lack of comma changed the headline totally ;)

Plus The Weird Al Song is brilliant.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Thanks harmony, these will be fixed in the next Planet Partner VU.

I'm not sure if it's a bug but the reward for the Pict's Pollen Issue is 8 cyrene tokens, that looks like an awful lot compared to the other missions.

We'll be keeping a close eye on these to see if any tweaks have to be made in the future.



Well-Known Member
We'll be keeping a close eye on these to see if any tweaks have to be made in the future.

Well 10 drill bots rewards on token, and that's a harder mission then the 20 plants. Also 20 blobs give 2 tokens. Maybe 4 would be more balanced?

Also another typo:

When talking to Second Hand Hub Duvall (is there any way to activate his missions btw?) on the dialogue hub says:

At my shop is at Inner Turrellion Outpost. I guess it could be At my shop which is at Innter Turrellion outpost, or just At my shop at Inner Turrellion Outpost.