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can we loot enhancer blueprints on cyrene?


Well-Known Member
I know that we only loot cyrene blueprints when crafting components, and I like that.

I crafted a lot of enhancers today however, and got no blueprints from that. This could of course just be bad luck, but it got me wondering. Can we actually loot enhancer blueprints on cyrene at the moment?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys!

I contacted MindArk about this and they are looking into it, when I have an update I will post it here!



Well-Known Member
Pyrite is extremely low quantities on Cyrene not enough for any enhancers (personally i think the amount of many ores is capped ??), its all lysterium mainly on the volcano isle.


Travelling through time...
It's funny because NPC near TP is saying that this is a really good mining area. Someone put him on the wrong island :D