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Carnap's landing


Well-Known Member
Is there any more information you can give us on the new landarea Kris?

Will it be auctioned off at some point in the future?
Can it only be purchased with certain items (like arkoins for the arkadia area's)?
Will you sell shares of it (like the AUD)?
Can we get it if we hand over Zora to the imperiums? :)
Can we win it with soc pvp?
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Active Member
I seen that before. Not sure what it is tho, be nice if we could buy land areas and such but heck, we can't even get them to let us get simple shops let alone entire land areas.

On that, does cyrene have any clue when they are going to go 'Live' yet or is it still a perpetual, in the future?



Well-Known Member
Building on both Arkadian and Rocktropian experience, you'll need rotten arkoins to pay for it.

Hehe, well i like the idea of the rotten banana's and the arkoins. That way everyone has a chance of markup.
(finally a use for the cyrene mission tokens :)).

Personally i'm thinking a pvp area landgrab style.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Yes, it's a new Land Area, other than that I do not have any more information to share at this time, as soon as I do I'll be sure to post it up here.



New Member
Very interrested to see how you will devellop this LA and plan to "sell" it.

Took a quick tour around the island and noticed you guys made a small error in it's creation.
The LA "box" is 277 meters high, while the peaks of the mountain ridges are 295, 303 & 317 meters.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Freyr,

Took a quick tour around the island and noticed you guys made a small error in it's creation.
The LA "box" is 277 meters high, while the peaks of the mountain ridges are 295, 303 & 317 meters.

I'd say it's still in development but thanks for the heads up =)


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Julien McBain,

Is there an update on this?

Nothing that I am allowed to share at the moment.

Sorry ><, maybe if you can give me any sort of specifics that you're looking for I can try to squeeze something from the higher ups.
