Clothing Menace

Looking like a banana? Not standing out in a crowd? Want to impress?
I do tailoring and textures on Cyrene and Arkadia, and I am available almost every day for whatever you would need.
I am a level 16 material designer and I am able to use all the cyrene textures.
I am a level 21 tailor and I have all the Cyrene tailoring blueprints and can get any of these clothes:
I offer a free texturizing service and that means that when you trade me textures to apply onto a piece of clothing, vehicle or furniture, then I will do that for no additional fee and I will return to you 90% of the tt value of the textures.
(Be VERY aware of people claiming to be designers that screw you over by not returning the 90% tt value of the textures)
You will find me lurking around Supply Depot, pewpewing some mobs behind the bushes or flying about.
If you need something designed, some clothes crafted, even if you simply have questions about anything related to fashion in EU or on cyrene in particular, just send me a friend request and start chatting ^^
My full name ingame is Carolina Caro CT
I will update this thread constantly, so keep checking in. I promise I'll add some color to this wall of text <3
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