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Wish List Clothes suitable for inside and outside the HUB


Well-Known Member
I've been going back and forth from cyrene to the hub. Every time i loose all my clothes, and i find that very annoying. How about some clothes that can be worn inside and outside?

They don't have to be easily obtained (maybe some lime green tokens, or crafted with them, or some (pvp?-)mission?


New Member
Good idea! Looking forward to it.

P.S. : also mindfore implant should be left inside my head. its annoying to buy inserter and insert it every time i leave hub... Just implants, chips should stay unavailable
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George Skywalker

Active Member
This would be a good idea and yes also agree about implant removal being annoying...

Perhaps an extension mission could be added that if completed will convert clothing to both. This mission difficulty and cost could be balanced by the desirability of such clothing. A storyline type mission here would be better than kill x mobs type mission, although storyline mission could include grinding...
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